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European Parliament resolution on Azerbaijan and relations with Armenia

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European Parliament's resolution on violations in Azerbaijan

European Parliament resolution

The European Parliament has adopted a resolution that welcomes the progress made in the border delimitation process between Armenia and Azerbaijan. The resolution primarily addresses “the situation in Azerbaijan, violations of human rights and international law, as well as relations with Armenia.” It was supported by 453 members of parliament, with 31 voting against and 89 abstaining.

The resolution includes a series of appeals, particularly directed at the EU. One of these calls for the cessation of all technical and financial support to Azerbaijan that could contribute to strengthening its military capabilities. Another appeal is addressed to EU member states, urging them to “freeze all exports of military equipment to Azerbaijan.”

The resolution also highlights human rights violations in Azerbaijan. Those who voted in favor believe these violations are “incompatible with hosting COP 29” in Baku.

“EU leaders, particularly European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, are strongly encouraged to use COP 29 as an opportunity to remind Azerbaijan of its international obligations and to actively address the human rights situation in the country,” the resolution states.

The Azerbaijani army must withdraw from Armenia’s sovereign territories

Since the resolution also addresses Azerbaijan’s relations with Armenia, significant emphasis is placed on conflict resolution and the necessary steps to overcome it.

The European Parliament reaffirms its support for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of both Armenia and Azerbaijan. It expresses solidarity with the resolution of Armenian-Azerbaijani relations based on mutual recognition of territorial integrity and the inviolability of borders, in line with the 1991 Alma-Ata Declaration.

Accordingly, the European Parliament reiterates its demand that the Azerbaijani army withdraw from all sovereign Armenian territory.

On the matter of unblocking regional communication routes, European parliamentarians emphasize that this must be done “with respect for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Republic of Armenia.”

The EU must be ready to apply sanctions

“Any military actions against Armenia are unacceptable and will have serious consequences for the EU-Azerbaijan partnership,” warn European deputies.

According to the resolution, the EU must be prepared to impose sanctions on any individuals or organizations that threaten Armenia’s sovereignty, independence, and territorial integrity.

The resolution also mentions support for Armenia through the European Peace Facility. The deputies believe that EU-Armenia cooperation in the areas of security and defense should continue.

European Parliament calls for extending EU mission’s mandate at the Armenian border

The European Parliament acknowledges the crucial role of the EU civilian mission in monitoring the situation along the Armenian-Azerbaijani border. At the same time, parliamentarians expressed “concern over defamatory statements and campaigns originating from Baku against the observation mission.”

The resolution calls on the European Union and its member states to expand and extend the mission’s mandate.

Release all Armenian POWS and ensure safe return of Nagorno-Karabakh Armenians

Among its other demands, the resolution urges Azerbaijani authorities to release all 23 Armenian prisoners still held in Baku and to comply with the rulings of the International Court of Justice, including those regarding the safe return of Armenians from Nagorno-Karabakh.

The resolution also calls for a comprehensive and transparent dialogue with the Armenians of Nagorno-Karabakh, providing them with guarantees of protection, including safeguarding their property rights.

The document further addresses the preservation of Nagorno-Karabakh’s historical and cultural heritage, recommending that Baku refrain from further destruction or alteration of the region’s cultural, religious, or historical legacy.

Members of the European Parliament demand that Azerbaijan allow a UNESCO mission to visit Nagorno-Karabakh to assess the situation.

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European Parliament resolution