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TUMO: alternative education in Armenia – free yet advanced

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TUMO: advanced education in Armenia and a new approach

TUMO: advanced education in Armenia

In Armenia, every teenager knows what TUMO is, and many attend courses at the center. Parents not only support their children’s desire to join TUMO but often put their names on waiting lists themselves. They proudly share with friends that in a few months, their children will also start attending courses at the TUMO Center for Creative Technologies.

TUMO opened in Yerevan in 2011. Currently, the center educates 25,000 students, with its graduate count exceeding 80,000. Education here is free. A unique feature of TUMO is that students design their own curriculum. The center’s programs consist of stages of self-study, lectures, and workshops across 14 fields of art and technology. Most importantly, students blend these areas of knowledge to create their own path, which they can update as their interests evolve and they progress in different fields.

TUMO centers are located in many Armenian communities, with the network expanding each year. International TUMO branches are also opening in various countries. The revenue the center earns abroad is directed toward expanding the network within Armenia.

TUMO currently operates in Paris, Lyon, Beirut, Tirana, Berlin, Zurich, Mannheim, and Coimbra, and this list is growing. In the coming years, the number of centers is set to increase to nearly twenty.

At the TUMO center in Yerevan
At the TUMO center in Yerevan

The goal is to unlock the potential of young people living in the regions

Susanna Avdalyan has been attending the TUMO center in Gyumri for three years. She has studied programming, animation, graphic design, and 3D modeling. This journey led her to realize that the intersection of these fields lies in game creation, and she began to deepen her expertise in this area.

Susanna Avdalyan
Susanna Avdalyan

“TUMO taught me self-education—learning anything that interests me on my own, not underestimating my abilities, being independent, and defining what truly interests me,” she says.

Now, Susanna is working on creating her own mobile app. At the same time, she is developing a virtual game with a group of fellow TUMO students. She emphasizes that she wouldn’t have achieved anything without the support of her trainers and friends.

“My parents encouraged me to attend the center, but since I had no idea what to expect, I initially refused. Then I noticed that many of my friends and acquaintances were taking classes at TUMO. I joined them a whole year late,” Susanna shares.

TUMO center in Gyumri
TUMO center in Gyumri

According to her, the center has given her tremendous opportunities. But most importantly, it has provided a collaborative space to work creatively with her peers in a friendly atmosphere.

“Above all, TUMO helped me choose a career. I probably wouldn’t have had the chance to explore programming here in Gyumri. I got to know this field, tried it out, and realized it’s for me—I need to keep moving in this direction.”

In her view, the healthy competition at the center drives her to improve and learn new things, a process supported and encouraged by her trainers.

“We see both our growth and that of our friends. We discover ways to bring ideas to life and explore different approaches to the same task. And what’s crucial—we’re not restricted; we’re free to visualize our thoughts, choose our tools, and make decisions in many other areas,” she says confidently.

This is Susanna’s video, which she titled “The Doors of Gyumri.”

TUMO’s mission and the phenomenon of its success

The idea for TUMO was brought to life through the collaborative efforts of founders Sam and Silva Simonian, Executive Director Marie Lou Papazian, and Development Director Bekor Papazian.

They set out with two main goals: to make a long-term investment in the lives of Armenian teenagers and to provide them with free, world-class education that meets global standards.

The center was created with the mission of “bringing Armenian teenagers closer to advanced digital professions in the 21st-century job market,” where success is achievable regardless of one’s location.

To fulfill this mission, the founders believe it’s essential to:

  • equip teenagers with knowledge in design and technology,
  • provide a cutting-edge educational model and environment,
  • help them unlock their potential,
  • and instill foundational skills in analytical thinking, creative freedom, and self-expression.
Class at the TUMO center in Kapan
Class at the TUMO center in Kapan

Aram Pachyan is a well-known prose writer in Armenia and teaches the course How to Write Creative Texts. His personality not only captivates students but also motivates them to work on their skills.

“Students acquire the skills to write literary texts, primarily short stories, as well as, depending on the workshops, poems, essays, scripts, and documentary narratives. They gain practical experience in writing creative texts,” Pachyan explains.

He notes that all courses have clearly defined content that instructors follow.

“It’s different when you’re working in a workshop. In that case, you determine what material to present and choose your own teaching methods. However, even then, you adhere to the principles established at TUMO—ranging from integrity and internal values to maintaining an appropriate level of instruction,” he adds.

Students enjoy collaborating on projects
Students enjoy collaborating on projects

Pachyan notes that students appreciate the learning format at TUMO. He describes the center as “a new world” where a different environment, diverse people, fresh ideas, and extensive opportunities for acquiring and sharing knowledge come together.

“The center attracts students from various social backgrounds, differing both physically and psychologically. TUMO becomes an important meeting place that unites them. It’s a space where individuals with opposing views and different life experiences get to know each other and start friendships. Knowledge materializes through the parallel embodiment of experience and theory, which complement each other. The harmonious, trust-inspiring atmosphere in the classroom also plays a crucial role,” he explains.

TUMO is, above all, an adventure. A real, exciting adventure. It’s a new world that differs from the familiar, driving away the monotony of everyday life, the instructor adds.

TUMO center in Yerevan
TUMO center in Yerevan

The present and the future of TUMO

Zara Budaghyan leads the communications, PR, and events department at TUMO. Speaking about the center’s work, she emphasizes that they create an environment that encourages students to learn.

“We do everything possible to help our students understand what interests them, find their path, and believe in their abilities. We are convinced that every teenager has a desire to learn, curiosity, and great potential,” she states.

The process of self-education at TUMO
The process of self-education at TUMO

According to her, TUMO operates on fundamental principles that underpin the center’s educational program.

“Our work is based on the principle of ‘student first.’ From operational decisions to creating educational content and interacting with TUMO students, the main question is whether a particular decision serves the interests of the student,” she explains.

Zara elaborates that the teaching staff pays close attention to details, originality, and a willingness to learn and embrace new ideas, emphasizing the importance of a sense of responsibility. They expect the same commitment from their students.

Regarding the future, she assures that the center’s team is continually working to improve educational programs.

“We are currently integrating innovations using artificial intelligence. Recently, we were among the winners of the prestigious Tools competition in the field of educational technology. Our center was selected from among hundreds of international organizations participating in this competition. The effectiveness of TUMO’s work can be assessed by tens of thousands of students, graduates, and staff from numerous centers in Armenia and abroad, who feel its impact on the quality of their lives every day,” she states.

Students of the Kapan center
Students of the Kapan center

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TUMO: advanced education in Armenia