South Caucasus News

Czech Journalist Denied Entry to Georgia

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On October 22, Czech journalist Ray Baseley was denied entry to Georgia. He reported this on his social media and posted a picture of the document given to him by the border police, which stated that he was denied entry under “other cases provided for by Georgian legislation.” Baseley actively covered the protests against the Foreign Agents law a few months ago.

“Hello Georgians, Journalists and Czechs. Today at 19:30 I was refused entry into the country of Georgia without reasoning or any further explanation this is unacceptable even the local border force doesn’t know why I wasn’t allowed entry. Anyone who can help please write to me,” shared Baseley online.

Shortly after his post, his partner left a comment saying that Baseley’s phone and personal belongings had been confiscated. She later left another comment saying that she had contacted the Czech Embassy and they hadn’t found the journalist yet. There has been no update on his whereabouts from any source. contacted the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia and this news will be updated according to their response.

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