South Caucasus News

“We are unequivocally expressing concern about the processes in Georgia” – U.S. Ambassador to NATO

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U.S. Ambassador to NATO on Georgia

The U.S. Permanent Representative to NATO, Julianne Smith, told Washington correspondent Alex Raufoglu, who covers issues related to Georgia, that the United States is very openly expressing its concern about the threat to democratic processes in Georgia.

“This is typical behavior on the part of Russia. It uses disinformation to divide society from within and to try to destroy the unity that exists between allies and partners around the world. We have worked with the Georgian people for many years to see if we can help them deal with this disinformation threat.

The U.S., like many European countries, has been very frank with our Georgian friends about concerns regarding democratic processes and ensuring that the Georgian society’s desire for integration with Western institutions, such as the EU or NATO, is heard loud and clear. We also want them to remain committed to democratic principles, human rights, democracy, and the rule of law,”- Smith stated.

On October 14, British Ambassador Gareth Ward stated in an interview with “Interpressnews” that due to the actions of the Georgian Dream party, the British side had decided to cancel the annual so-called Wardrop Dialogue. High-level talks with the armed forces were also canceled, and the cybersecurity program was suspended.

As the ambassador noted, the steps taken by the Georgian government this year have worsened relations with Western partners.

It is worth noting that on October 14, a meeting of European Union foreign ministers took place, after which EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs Josep Borrell held a press conference. Among other issues, he mentioned Georgia, stating that compared to Moldova, the situation in the country looks worse.