South Caucasus News

Dispatch, October 25: Georgia vs Georgian Dream

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Hours remain before the polls open in Georgia’s pivotal election, where the choice will be between democracy and authoritarianism, between Europe and Russia, or simply between Georgia and the Georgian Dream.

The mood across Georgia is one of mobilization, emotional rollercoaster, and anxious anticipation: is this our last day of hope? Is this our last day of hopelessness? Or is this just another turbulent day in the never-peaceful life of a long-suffering nation?

We will find out tomorrow. For now, it is impossible to make a prediction – the opinion polls are too conflicting and we are too emotionally involved to make a sober analysis.

If Georgia wins, we will say it was inevitable. What else could have happened in a country where millions of citizens worked hard for decades for a better country, a better future, to build a Western-style democracy and to ensure that their children would never see darkness again? What could have gone wrong in a country where brave protest culture has been elevated to an art form, where the belief in miracles has never faded despite constant geopolitical threats and daily existential challenges? Why were we afraid at all, in a country where EU flags are flown more proudly and fervently than in the EU itself, and where the price of hard-won democracy and freedom is better known than anywhere else?

If Georgia loses, we will say that it is a logical conclusion. What else could you expect in a country that spent decades in political crises – real or invented – that exhausted society, where citizens refused to take responsibility while politicians never stopped abusing their power? How else could it have happened in a political environment where every ruling party did nothing but try to stay in power by bringing out the worst in its citizens, by exploiting their hardships? How else could it end up in a society that hates to learn from the past and admit its mistakes, and expects outside powers to do the democracy job for them? Did we really believe that a small country could withstand the pressure of an aggressive neighboring giant this long?

And there are countless “ifs” and “what ifs” beyond winning and losing that make it impossible to prepare. Will they steal the election? Or will our fellow citizens, our relatives and friends willingly vote to outlaw us? Will we have to fight, or should we resign? Will we ever be able to create a democratic, participatory society where protecting each other from oppression is the basis of political culture? Do we have a future here at all?

Nothing is clear, and we hold our breath, hoping for the best and expecting the worst.

In the meantime, you can prepare yourself with our explainers and backgrounders. Read the key facts about Georgia’s October 26 parliamentary elections here, and look here if you want to know more about the broader context. We have also prepared an article on the active mobilization of election observers, and you can also check out our compilation of campaign highlights.

And, of course, don’t forget to follow our Election Live Blog to stay up to date as Georgians head to the polls.

Here is Nini and Dispatch with our final pre-election newsletter. Goodbye, and good luck!