South Caucasus News

Weimar Triangle FMs Reaffirm Support for Georgian People, Deplore Government’s Actions

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On October 10, the Foreign Ministers of the Weimar Triangle (France, Germany, Poland) issued a joint statement reaffirming their support for the European aspirations of the Georgian people and deploring the actions of the ruling Georgian Dream government that led to the de facto suspension of Georgia’s EU accession process.

The Foreign Ministers note that since the suspension of Georgia’s EU accession process, the negative trend has “only worsened,” pointing to threats of repression, the entry into force of the Foreign Agents Law, the adoption of the anti-LGBT law, and attacks on civil society and media representatives. They also note “with growing concern” the GD’s increasingly aggressive rhetoric against the EU and the EU member states. “The EU will not tolerate the spreading of false narratives about European position and policies by Georgia’s authorities,” the statement says.

The Ministers’ joint statement reiterates the call on the GD government to reverse its current course, warning that “the scope and depth of EU-Georgia relations and cooperation are at stake.” They also say they hope the Georgian government will recommit to implementing the necessary reforms defined after the country was granted candidate status. “We stand ready to continue supporting Georgian society on its path towards a European future. Our hands remain outstretched,” the statement says.

The Ministers expect the Georgian government to ensure that the October elections are held in a free and fair manner and to follow the recommendations of the OSCE/ODIHR, including the possibility of a free and fair election campaign.

“We remain committed to strengthening and supporting Georgia’s sovereignty and territorial integrity within its internationally recognised borders,” the statement concludes.

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