South Caucasus News

“Armenia’s recognition of Palestine is the right and balanced decision.” Opinion from Yerevan

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Recognition of Palestine by Armenia

The recognition of the sovereignty of the State of Palestine is actively being discussed in Armenia. The President of Palestine called this decision by the Armenian authorities “bold and significant.” The Armenian Ministry of Foreign Affairs described it as a “practical step in support of the internationally recognized two-state solution.” Many Arab countries have welcomed Armenia’s decision.

Israel has also reacted to this. The Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced that the Armenian ambassador had been “given a stern reprimand.” However, the Armenian Ministry of Foreign Affairs did not confirm this information.

Armenian experts believe that the authorities made the right decision. They are also confident that the recognition of Palestine will negatively affect Armenian-Israeli relations. However, Arabist Armen Petrosyan notes that these relations were not particularly positive even before this decision.

Israel had already taken steps, particularly by deepening military ties with Azerbaijan, which led to strategic problems and security issues for Armenia,” the analyst emphasizes.

“We have always advocated for a peaceful resolution of the Palestinian issue”

The Armenian Ministry of Foreign Affairs believes that the “catastrophic humanitarian situation in the Gaza Strip and the ongoing military conflict” require urgent resolution:

The Republic of Armenia categorically rejects attacks on civilian infrastructure, violence against civilians, hostage-taking, and the capture of civilians during armed conflicts. We join the international community’s demands for their unconditional release.”

The Ministry’s statement also noted that Armenia has supported UN General Assembly resolutions calling for an immediate ceasefire in the Gaza Strip:

Furthermore, the Republic of Armenia is genuinely interested in establishing peace and stability in the Middle East and achieving long-term peace between the Jewish and Palestinian peoples. On various international platforms, we have always advocated for a peaceful and comprehensive resolution of the Palestinian issue and continue to support a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. We are convinced that this is the only way to ensure that both Palestinians and Israelis can realize their legitimate aspirations.

In line with this, Armenia announced its recognition of the Palestinian state, reaffirming its “commitment to international law, principles of equality, sovereignty, and peaceful coexistence of peoples.”

The Palestinian Ministry of Foreign Affairs welcomed Yerevan’s decision, emphasizing that it aligns with all relevant UN resolutions. The decision was also welcomed by the Palestine Liberation Organization, the Secretary-General of the Arab League, and several countries, including Turkey, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Kuwait, Iraq, and Bahrain.


The statement from the Armenian Ministry of Foreign Affairs is logically sound and reflective of international realities, according to Turkologist Ruben Safrastyan:

This moment has arrived, and it was expected that Armenia would make such a statement. We see that the process of recognizing the Palestinian state is gaining momentum worldwide, with an increasing number of countries recognizing Palestine. Therefore, there can be no doubt about the correctness of Armenia’s move.”

Ruben Safrastyan believes that recognizing Palestine will positively impact Armenia’s reputation globally:

Currently, almost all countries agree that the best solution to the Palestinian-Israeli problem is the implementation of the ‘two-state’ formula. Armenia has joined the countries supporting this approach. This is undoubtedly the right decision.

Recognizing the Palestinian state was an important step for Armenia, especially in terms of achieving strategic goals, says Arabist Armen Petrosyan:

For decades, Armenia has supported the right of our compatriots from Nagorno-Karabakh to self-determination. Armenia has always opposed the policy of solving problems by military means, which Azerbaijan has practiced and Israel is currently practicing. In this context, I consider this decision particularly significant.”

Petrosyan believes that the timing of the decision is primarily driven by the need to prevent the existing tension and the potential for a large-scale war in the region. He points out that Israel’s actions in the Gaza Strip have created serious humanitarian and military threats for the entire region:

This conflict seems to have the potential to expand geographically, with the likelihood of war between Israel and Lebanon and Syria.”

According to the analyst, the Palestinian issue has the potential to significantly worsen the situation. It is no coincidence that recently, international actors have been raising the issue of Palestine and emphasizing the ‘two states for two peoples’ formula. Even in the US, there is now talk of resolving the issue and the possibility of creating a Palestinian state based on this formula, says Armen Petrosyan:

I am convinced that Armenia’s decision is well-considered, taking into account regional and international realities and global security challenges.”

The Arabist considers it unlikely that serious problems will arise in Armenia-US relations due to the recognition of Palestine. On the contrary, problems are observed in US-Israel relations, the expert notes:

The fact is that the current policy of the Israeli government not only affects regional security but also creates problems in allied relations.”