South Caucasus News

“Approval of Lavrov’s statement suggests that ‘Georgian Dream’ may be viewing the conflicts in the same way as Russia”

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Reaction to Lavrov’s statement on Georgia

Gigi Gigiadze, a researcher at the “Center for Economic Policy Research,” stated in an interview with “Interpressnews” that Russian foreign minister Sergey Lavrov’s statement is a continuation of the long-standing policy Russia has pursued towards Georgia, claiming that three states exist on Georgian territory. According to Gigiadze, the approval of Lavrov’s statement suggests that the “Georgian Dream” party may be viewing the conflicts from Russia’s perspective.

Gigiadze believes that the positive assessment of Lavrov’s remarks by high-ranking officials and similar messages gradually push a narrative that does not align with the national interests of the country and directly serves Russia’s interests.

According to Russian foreign minister Sergey Lavrov, Moscow is ready to mediate between Georgia and its “neighbors”—the “states of Abkhazia and South Ossetia”—if the parties are interested.

Our government views this positively,” said Tbilisi mayor Kakha Kaladze in response to Lavrov’s statement.

Kaladze expects Russia to take concrete steps. He noted that while it is “certainly positive” that Russia welcomes and supports reconciliation, “it would be good if [Russia] followed these announcements with action.”

Gigi Gigiadze commented: “First of all, Lavrov’s statement became a lifeline for ‘Georgian Dream.’ Russia and ‘Georgian Dream’ are acting in coordination. Lavrov’s statement was a response to the attempt by ‘Georgian Dream’ to portray itself as supposedly resolving ethnic issues in Georgia.

Lavrov specifically highlighted the term ‘neighboring states,’ which clearly reflects Russia’s position—it sees not one, but three states on Georgia’s territory. How such a statement could be acceptable to anyone in Georgia who considers themselves a patriot, or how it could be approved in any way, is beyond understanding!”

Reaction to Lavrov’s statement on Georgia

“We are discussing the fact that in the occupied territories of Georgia—Abkhazia and the so-called South Ossetia—Russia continues to violate Georgia’s sovereignty and territorial integrity. Therefore, the only way to begin dialogue with these regions is by removing the Russian factor.

Russia will never be interested in restoring Georgia’s territorial integrity or preserving its sovereignty. It is not a force that will contribute in any way to solving ethnic problems.

Lavrov’s statement is a continuation of the same policy Russia has pursued towards Georgia for many years, claiming that there are three states on Georgian territory. This is categorically unacceptable for Georgia and any patriot because it indicates Russia’s opposition to Georgia’s territorial integrity and sovereignty.

I find it completely incomprehensible how anyone could endorse Sergey Lavrov’s statement. The only way to view it positively is to acknowledge that ‘Georgian Dream’ is trying to position itself as a political force that clearly supports a pro-Russian narrative.”