South Caucasus News

Power Calls for Ensuring Rights of Artsakh Armenians to Return

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While continuing to be vague about whether what happened in Artsakh was ethnic cleansing, USAID Administrator Samantha Power said that the U.S. is calling on Azerbaijan to ensure the rights for safe return of Artsakh Armenians.

Speaking at a press conference in Yerevan on Wednesday, Power said that events in Nagorno-Karabakh are being “examined” by the State Department, noting “with regret” that should could not give an assessment on the matter before the State Department does.

“We are aware of the latest reports that have recently been released, where there is documented data and interviews with numerous families who survived the events of recent years and specifically September 2023,” she added, referring to Azerbaijan’s attack on Artsakh that led to the forced exodus of more than 100,000 Armenians from their ancestral homes.

She called for ensuring the rights of Artsakh residents and the families to return safely to their homes.

Power explained that there must be proper conditions for return, fundamental among which is a change in circumstances.

“I was at the border in September 2023, and I still remember the stories of the families from Nagorno-Karabakh who fled to Armenia and the fear they endured. They were unable to get food and medicine for months before Azerbaijan took these communities. The persons I met had lost contact with their families during the hasty exodus [from Artsakh],” Power explained.

Power said she was satisfied that many of these families were able to reunite, but not in all cases. She recalled that on Tuesday she visited a place run by a businessman from Nagorno-Karabakh who fled to Armenia several years ago.
“He employs people who have recently come to Armenia. The spouse of one of the female employees is missing, the spouse of another was killed in the fighting. This reflects what many families have experienced,” Power explained.

“The data for June shows that employment rates have increased, but the suffering of this group of population continues to be extremely great, as they have left a lot there. We support this population, and we support kindergartens and schools that have hosted children who have experienced serious traumas,” Power said, voicing confidence in the Armenian government’s effort to ensure the welfare of the forcibly displaced Artsakh Armenians.

Power emphasized that peace treaty between Armenia and Azerbaijan would go a long way in alleviating some of these challenges.

“The U.S. Agency for International Development and the United States stand ready to help Armenia strengthen democracy and achieve peace with Azerbaijan. I am here today because Armenia has an opportunity to prosper, strengthen its democracy, and achieve the peace that people have dreamed of for so long. The United States stands ready to help Armenia make the most of this window of opportunity,” Power said.

She pointed out that trade turnover between Armenia and the United States has tripled since 2020.

“If in 2020 the figure was $96 million, in 2023 it was $321 million. This pace can accelerate. We are moving from support for Armenia to trade with Armenia. We have helped the Armenian government improve investment opportunities in imports and experts in agriculture, tourism, and technology. In addition, we are working to encourage local food production, including the cultivation of crops suitable for Armenia’s climate,” Power explained.

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