South Caucasus News

Israeli Impunity Led to West Bank Turning Into ‘a New Gaza,’ EU Diplomat Warns

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The European Union’s foreign affairs chief, Josep Borrell, has issued a stark warning over the recent escalation of Israeli violence and impunity in the occupied West Bank,

suggesting it could lead to the territory being turned into “a new Gaza.” Borrell’s comments come as clashes have intensified following the outbreak of violence on 7 October, marking a significant increase in Israeli military operations and confrontations with Palestinian residents.

Borrell who is on the visit of Middle East while speaking to the Arab League conference in Cairo, expressed deep concern over the humanitarian and political implications of the escalating situation.

Borrell lamented that a Gaza cease-fire agreement “has still not been signed and does not seem likely to be signed in the near future.”

“Why? Quite simply, because those who are waging the war have no interest in putting an end to it,” he continued. “So, they are just pretending… Because, as it turns out, their intransigence is accompanied by total impunity.”

“If acts have no consequences, if blatant violation of international law remains disregarded, if institutions such as the International Criminal Court are threatened, if the International Court of Justice rulings are totally ignored by those who promote a rules-based order, who can be trusted?” Borrell asked.