South Caucasus News

‘Hearths of Hope’: ARS Program Provides Sustainable Housing for Artsakh Armenians

The “Hearths of Hope” initiative, launched by the Armenian Relief Society in January 2024, is dedicated to offering homes to Artsakh families who fled their homes in September 2023, as a result of Azerbaijan’s heavy military attacks.

Through this program, two houses were purchased in the village of Akhourik in the Shirak Region. The houses are currently undergoing renovations, including installing sewer systems or septic tanks and digging new wells to enhance the overall infrastructure.

The ARS is steadfast in its commitment to this mission, as they are actively seeking to purchase and renovate more houses for families displaced from Artsakh.

The ARS CEB is hopeful that many displaced families from Artsakh will be able to spend the upcoming winter in the comfort of their own homes.

The ARS is confident that the “Hearths of Hope” program will successfully fulfill its noble objectives through the collective efforts and shared responsibility of our global entities and devoted supporters.  

You can support the ARS programs by visiting the website or ARS social media pages.

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