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Georgia elections: 71% Support giving another party a chance

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Georgia elections: opinion poll

According to a new survey by Edison Research, 71% of Georgia’s population believes it’s time to give another party a chance in the upcoming parliamentary elections on October 26.

When asked whether the “Georgian Dream” has done enough to deserve reelection or if it’s time for another party, 71% of respondents said another party should be given a chance, while 29% believe “Georgian Dream” deserves reelection.

The Formula TV Company commissioned and funded an opinion poll conducted by the reputable American organization Edison Research.

The survey took place from September 1 to 15 across Georgia, excluding occupied territories. A total of 1,200 eligible voters were interviewed in person.

The margin of error is +/- 2.8% at a 95% confidence level.

When asked, “If parliamentary elections were held tomorrow, which party would you vote for?” the results were as follows:

  • “Georgian Dream – Democratic Movement”: 32.3%
  • “Unity”: United National Movement, Strategy Agmashenebeli, European Georgia: 20%
  • “Coalition for Change”: Nika Gvaramia, Nika Melia, Girchi, Akhali: 10.9%
  • “Gakharia – For Georgia”: 10.5%
  • “Strong Georgia”: Lelo, For the People, Freedom Square, Citizens: 9.3%
  • Girchi (Iago Khvichia): 6%
  • Labor Party: 5.1%
  • Alliance of Patriots/Alt-Info: 3.6%
  • “We are David Katsarava”: 1.5%
  • Other parties: 0.8%.

Seventy-four percent of respondents stated they are confident in their choice, while 26% believe their choice could change.

As part of the opinion poll, a survey was conducted on the potential support for a coalition of opposition parties, considering both full unification and larger coalitions.

The results indicated that if the pro-European opposition were to unite, the support would be distributed as follows:

  • “Georgian Dream” / “People’s Power”: 38%
  • Coalition of pro-European opposition parties: “Unity,” “Coalition for Change,” “Strong Georgia,” “For Georgia” (Gakharia), Labor Party, “Girchi” (Iago Khvichia): 62%.

According to the Edison Research opinion poll, 64% of the population believes the country is heading in the wrong direction, while only 36% think it is moving in the right direction.