South Caucasus

@SvobodaRadio: “Фильмы и книги Николая Сванидзе остаются со всеми нами, для кого правда истории – это правда страдающего от насилия, бесправия и несправедливости человека.”

South Caucasus

@SvobodaRadio: Бывший первый заместитель председателя правительства Московской области Илья Бронштейн в пятницу был задержан правоохранительными органами. Его подозревают в получении взятки в сумме 25 миллионов рублей.

South Caucasus

The Hill

On Aug. 23, French authorities arrested Pavel Durov, the founder and CEO of Telegram, at Le Bourget Airport near Paris. This unexpected event has sent ripples through the tech industry and raised significant questions about the intersection of digital privacy, state power and global geopolitics.

South Caucasus

@mikenov: Pavel Durov’s arrest sparks global tech industry concerns…

South Caucasus

@MNadjaf: With this fresh spirit; sustainable #development at the #Crossroads is the only way forward for #Armenia and for enhanced #peace prospects in the region. #SouthCaucasus *** 4/4

South Caucasus

@mikenov: U.S. May Approve Ukrainian Strikes Deep in Russia, and Early Voting Begins

South Caucasus

Why are Storm Shadow missiles a new flashpoint between Putin and the West?

South Caucasus

New York’s top cop quits as federal probes engulf Mayor Eric Adams

New York City’s police commissioner stepped down Thursday amid separate federal corruption investigations targeting Mayor Eric Adams and his top aides.Edward Caban, the first Latino to run the New York Police Department, was asked to resign on Monday, the New York Times and other outlets reported.In

South Caucasus

New York’s top cop quits as federal probes engulf Mayor Eric Adams

Mayor Eric Adams named former FBI official Tom Donlon as New York’s interim police commissioner.

South Caucasus

@BurlingtonFiles: RT @BurlingtonFiles: Putin is increasingly under pressure in Moscow as six UK “diplomats” (most are linked to MI6 a…