South Caucasus

@SvobodaRadio: Сколько новобранцев погибло и попало в плен по Курском? Число дел о взятках в России выросло в полтора раза с начала войны.Как война стала дополнительным источником нелегального дохода для российских чиновников и офицеров.

South Caucasus

@SvobodaRadio: Российский суд на оккупированной части Херсонской области, приговорил гражданку Украины Ирину Горобцову к десяти с половиной годам колонии общего режима по обвинению в шпионаже.

South Caucasus

Putin’s Deadly Tu-22M3 Strategic Bomber Catches Fire Mid-Air, Explodes In Siberia

A Russian nuclear-capable Tu-22M3 strategic bomber crashed in the Irkutsk region in Siberia. According to the Russian Defence Ministry, the bomber crashed due to a technical malfunction, and all crew members are safe. However, Reuters, citing regional governor Igor Kobzev, reported that one crew died out of the four members.

South Caucasus

Russia’s shadow oil fleet funding Putin’s war laid bare

More than 300 shadow tankers carried Russian crude oil between January 2023 and June 2024, with 45 considered to be part of a “core” shadow fleet.

South Caucasus

@emin_bred: @RepRaskin Yes, autocrats like Ilham Aliyev

South Caucasus

@emin_bred: @MavkaSlavka Brainwashing methods. Ilham Aliyev also uses such methods

South Caucasus

@emin_bred: @Tsihanouskaya The dictator of Azerbaijan is similar

South Caucasus

@emin_bred: @latiniano лапти аладдина

South Caucasus

@emin_bred: @jvcwarlick @RepJoeWilson @RepCohen Strict measures must also be taken against the tyrant Ilham Aliyev. Aliyev intensified the wave of repression in the country. Aliyev must be stopped.

South Caucasus

SouthCaucasus: Guide to Visiting the Dezerter Bazaar, #Tbilisi’s Vibrant Food Market. via ⁦@emily_lush⁩ #ReisenInGeorgien