South Caucasus

@SvobodaRadio: Кевин Лик – гражданин России и Германии. Он переехал с мамой в Майкоп в 2017 году, а полтора года назад оказался в СИЗО по делу о госизмене. В интервью Кевин Лик рассказывает о том, что с ним происходило во время заключения и после освобождения.

South Caucasus

@SvobodaRadio: Российская армия перебросила в Курскую область в зону украинского наступления около пяти тысяч военнослужащих. Об этом пишет The Wall Street Journal со ссылкой на источник.

South Caucasus

@emin_bred: These are brave journalists. There are also brave journalists in Azerbaijan, and many of them are now in prison. Azerbaijan also needs to be saved from tyranny

South Caucasus

@DamonMacWilson: RT by @emin_bred: “The story of Amu TV and its journalists offers a warning: Afghanistan’s new rulers aren’t content with the power they have. True autocracy requires impunity, which Amu and its peers can deny the Taliban—at least in part, at least for now.”…

South Caucasus

@FrankFigliuzzi1: RT by @emin_bred: Join me in the 2p ET hour with @AlexWitt on @MSNBC: Scoop: House members fear DNC violence

South Caucasus

@emin_bred: Azerbaijan’s Ambassador to Moscow Polad Bulbul oglu announced the country’s intention to join BRICS.

South Caucasus

@Robert4787: RT @Robert4787: Behind Closed Doors: A Glimpse into the CIA’s Most Secretive Operations. 🕵️‍♂️🔍 Ever wondered what really happens in the sh…

South Caucasus

@emin_bred: Everyone must obey the king. The country is the king’s plaything. The wealth of the country also belongs to the king and his dynasty.

South Caucasus

NightSkyLight: @ewarren Absolute impunity, 0 responsibility for cooperation and funding of #Azerbaijani totalitarian regime in the #SouthCaucasus and the bloody #war waged against #Armenians of #Artsakh (#NagornoKarabakh).

South Caucasus

@SvobodaRadio: Умер актёр дубляжа Борис Быстров. Он известен озвучкой Гомера в мультсериале “Симпсоны”, героев “Футурамы”, “Звездных войн”, “Людей Икс” и трилогии Кристофера Нолана о Бэтмене.