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Armenui Amy Ashvanian: First-Ever Armenian-Born Judge Making History in the U.S.

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“When I received the news of my appointment as a Superior Court Judge, I felt immensely proud to represent Armenia and my people in the United States,” confessed Armenui Amy Ashvanian, a Los Angeles County Superior Court Judge. Born in Armenia, Ashvanian’s remarkable determination, exceptional personal qualities, and professional expertise propelled her to a prominent position within the country’s legal system, culminating in her appointment by the Governor of California as a judge in the largest U.S. Superior Court.

Her career choice was driven by a firm intention to enhance the lives of others. Throughout her career, she earned widespread recognition from the public, colleagues, and various government offices. Beyond her accomplishments in the United States, Armenui Amy Ashvanian is deeply engaged in advancing the legal landscape of Armenia and Artsakh, embodying the epitome of an Armenian woman whose strength and potential know no bounds. “Nothing can discourage a person who seeks to enrich their knowledge and life and make a positive impact on humanity,” she shares in an exclusive interview with “Asbarez,” offering insights into her journey and achievements.

NANE AVAGYAN: You hold a prominent position in California’s legal arena, serving as a Los Angeles County Superior Court Judge. Your position is particularly noteworthy as you immigrated to the United States at the age of 17, becoming the first Armenian-born judge in America. Could you share some insights into your life in Armenia?

ARMENUI AMY ASHVANIAN: I was born in Armenia during the Soviet era and had a joyful childhood. I am grateful for the education I received in Soviet Armenia; education held vital importance during that time. When I immigrated to the United States at 17, I had to attend a high school for a year. Despite not knowing English then, I felt academically ahead of my American peers, particularly in math, history, and other subjects. Education was deeply ingrained in my family values. My parents encouraged me to pursue my education without limitations based on gender. They always instilled in me the belief that I could achieve anything I set my mind to. I aspired to become a teacher in my youth, but my plans changed when I moved to the United States.

Armenui Amy Ashvanian

N.A.: How did you embark on your journey in law? What challenges did you encounter along the way?

A.A.A.: Following high school, I pursued higher education, and the most important thing I had to learn was the English language. I knew Armenian, Russian, and French, and I had to learn a new language at 18, which was not easy, but not difficult either. It was more a matter of determination than difficulty. I firmly believe that those who claim age as a barrier to learning upon arriving to the U.S. are simply making excuses.

Upon learning English, my initial inclination was still toward teaching. However, despite the positive aspects of life in Soviet Armenia, I couldn’t forget the negative experiences, particularly those concerning human rights violations during elections. I often wondered why freedom of speech was restricted, why transparency was lacking in law and governance matters, and why people’s rights weren’t upheld. These instances negatively impacted me, pushing me towards a profession where I could advocate for human rights and benefit humanity.

Law wasn’t a familial tradition. Therefore, I wondered which profession would allow me to advocate for human rights and enhance lives. In conversations with my professors, I realized that law is the only field in which I can pursue my aspirations within legal boundaries.

N.A.: What was your first job in the U.S. legal arena?

A.A.A.: While studying law, my first job was at an Armenian law firm, primarily handling civil cases. Following graduation, I was hired at the Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Office, where I served as a deputy district attorney at the Hardcore Gang Division. I worked in the Attorney’s Office for over 14 years, with the last eight years dedicated to handling the most severe crimes and addressing issues related to street criminal gangs.

N.A.: As an Armenian woman immersed in a different cultural environment, how did you navigate the complexities of prosecuting serious criminals, considering the reputation of criminal gangs in Los Angeles?

A.A.A.: It’s a question I’ve often encountered within my circles and beyond. Many wonder why I accepted such a challenging role, especially as a woman and, more specifically, as an Armenian woman. My parents instilled in me strength and independence, and my mother greatly influenced me. Having four children, my mother worked equally with my father in Armenia and never thought that she should stay at home and only take care of the children. Her example ignited a sense of empowerment within me, and when I started working as a senior prosecutor, I felt I could do that job.

Despite the gravity of these cases, I found inner strength, which I have also passed on to my daughter. I’ve consistently encouraged her never to allow her gender to define her limitations or deter her from pursuing her aspirations.

N.A.: Can you share about your transition from a prosecutor to a judge?

A.A.A.: I found fulfillment as a prosecutor, advocating for victims, and securing just resolutions within the framework of the U.S. criminal justice system, considered one of the best in the world. While it has flaws, I find satisfaction as a prosecutor when I see the victim somehow compensated. The idea of becoming a judge seemed distant, initially. I wondered how someone born in Armenia could ascend to the bench in the U.S…: no Armenian-born individual had ever been appointed as a judge here, and I questioned why I should be chosen when numerous native-born lawyers, prosecutors, and defense attorneys, with established political connections, were more familiar with the system.

In 2008, the U.S. State Department qualified me as a specialist in criminal cases and invited me to contribute to reforming the criminal justice system in Armenia. Eager to serve my homeland, I dedicated 14 years to this endeavor. This period involved exchanging expertise with judges and prosecutors in Armenia and the U.S., teaching ethics at a law university, and gradually, my interest shifted toward the position of a judge.

In the U.S., there are two paths to judicial office: applying to the governor or securing an election. Opting for the former, I embarked on a harsh process involving interviews and scrutiny, ultimately subject to the governor’s approval. I initially couldn’t believe it when I received the call confirming my appointment. However, once I was assured, I felt immense pride, realizing that as a judge, I could represent Armenia and Armenians in the U.S. Becoming the first Armenian-born woman to hold a judgeship in the U.S. was a milestone I celebrated not just for myself but for my people.

I encourage my Armenian students and colleagues to contemplate judicial careers, recognizing the significance of our community’s representation on the bench, particularly by women. Despite the appeal of private practice, I emphasize the importance of public service and the unique role Armenian judges can play in our community’s representation within the legal system.

N.A.: The Armenian community takes great pride in your achievements; your life story is an excellent example of success. What advice would you give young Armenian lawyers still undecided about their career paths?

A.A.A.: For those still studying at university, those who have jobs but remain undecided about their career direction, and even those working as lawyers with their own offices, I would like to emphasize the importance of never abandoning their goals. This is especially crucial for Armenian women who might believe that positions within the legal system are not within their reach and settle for office work. It’s essential to push beyond perceived limitations and strive for positions that align with their aspirations, regardless of gender or societal expectations.

I often recall Mother Teresa’s words: “Not all of us can do great things, but we can all do small things with a big heart.” I encourage young Armenians to engage in public service, leveraging their legal expertise not only for personal gain but also to benefit society.

N.A.: In addressing pan-Armenian issues, leveraging the potential of the Diaspora is paramount. What opportunities exist for legal professionals to engage, and what paths would you recommend?

A.A.A.: A powerful avenue for involvement, especially for those who don’t want to establish direct ties to Armenia, is through membership in organizations like the Armenian Bar Association. As a member, I can attest to the continuous flow of programs and opportunities for young Armenian lawyers. With a global membership base, particularly strong in the U.S., the association boasts top-tier legal professionals in various fields. Membership opens doors to participation in initiatives supporting Armenia, including legal representation in international courts for Armenia and Artsakh. Meanwhile, experienced lawyers within the community offer mentorship and guidance to aspiring legal minds, facilitating their introduction to court proceedings and legal practice.

N.A.: Not so long ago, Armenian criminal gangs were part of the community profile. What is the current state of crime statistics among Armenians?

A.A.A.: Official statistics specifically regarding crimes among Armenians aren’t available. However, drawing from my experience as a prosecutor and now as a judge, I’m pleased to note that individuals of Armenian descent involved in criminal activities constitute a very small segment. Every community, regardless of nationality, has its share of criminal elements, but due to our relatively small numbers, even a single individual committing a crime can attract significant attention, sparking concerns within our community. However, it’s essential to recognize that such instances represent only a tiny portion of Armenians, and this number is decreasing. The Armenian community is characterized by hard-working individuals who are inclined towards creativity and learning. I take immense pride in our young people, many of whom are among the finest lawyers in the Los Angeles region. We have Armenian prosecutors, defenders, and legal professionals whom I deeply admire.

N.A.: You’ve extended your professional support to Artsakh. Is your engagement with Armenians in Artsakh ongoing? Will you participate in legal processes concerning the return of forcibly displaced Artsakh citizens?

A.A.A.: Before the atrocities and displacement, I maintained close ties with the Human Rights Defender of Artsakh and served as co-chair of a committee with the Faculty of Law at Artsakh State University. Despite the adversities, we remain undeterred, continuing our work with students, and firmly believe that Artsakh is not lost; everything is not over yet. I hope that one day, Artsakh Armenians will return to their lands. Our commitment to Armenia and Artsakh remains unwavering.

N.A.: You’ve been actively involved in legal reforms in Armenia for many years, and you visit Armenia at least once a year. Are these visits primarily for work or leisure?

A.A.A.: My visits to Armenia serve both. Before the pandemic, I visited Armenia twice annually for nearly 16 years. One visit per year was dedicated to family, as it was crucial for me to foster my children’s connection to their ancestral homeland. Despite being born and raised here, I take pride in their fluency in Armenian, as we exclusively speak Armenian at home.

N.A.: How important is the connection with the Motherland and instilling that mentality among the younger generation?

A.A.A.: It is very important. It wasn’t enough for me that my children speak Armenian; it was crucial that they have a strong connection with the homeland. I greatly desire my children to continue my work and maintain close ties with Armenia. Their experiences with their peers in Armenia have greatly influenced them. I took them there in the summer to witness the independence of Armenian children playing in the yard, compared to the U.S., where there’s a fear for the child’s safety. We feel much safer in Armenia than here. In my opinion, every parent must instill in their child and maintain a strong connection with the motherland rather than just being content with raising Armenian children here.

Regarding my business visits, since 2008, I have maintained close ties with the Ministry of Justice, the Human Rights Defender’s Office, the General Prosecutor’s Office, the Court of Cassation, the police system, and judges. My work with Yerevan State and American Universities in Armenia continues. My support isn’t just as a member of the Bar Association, but also personally as a judge. If my professional advice as a specialist is needed, I’m always ready to help. When the budget of the U.S. State Department ran out in 2015, in recent years, I’ve been providing my funds to help because it’s essential to me. I have great hope that one day, the justice system of Armenia will be one of the best in the world.

N.A.: You mentioned your aspiration to become a teacher, and now, your dream has materialized. Where do you teach, and beyond imparting professional knowledge, what values do you prioritize conveying to your students?

A.A.A.: My inclination towards teaching was reignited during my college years when I served as an assistant to an elementary school teacher. I found immense joy in sharing knowledge with younger generations. Later, as a senior prosecutor, I continued my pedagogical endeavors at the Los Angeles Police Academy, where I instructed police officers on interrogation techniques, communication with victims’ and convicts’ families, and navigating the complexities of gathering information from them.

I enthusiastically embraced the opportunity to teach at my alma mater, Glendale University College of Law. Over a decade, I’ve taught ethics, criminal investigation, and criminal procedure courses.

Beyond professional knowledge, I strive to instill in our Armenian community a reverence for the law and a commitment to public service. I urge my students to not only excel in their legal careers but also actively contribute to the betterment of society.

N.A.: You have achieved remarkable success as a woman, a mother, and a professional. Your husband appears to be a supportive partner, often joining you in community initiatives and backing your endeavors. How crucial is family support in your journey?

A.A.A.: I can assert that family support is paramount. Without my husband’s unwavering support, I wouldn’t have been able to pursue my education. As a mother and a woman, it’s challenging to balance family responsibilities with academic and professional pursuits. However, my husband never once suggested that I should prioritize domestic duties over my ambitions. Instead, he has always been by my side, offering encouragement and solidarity. When I graduated from law school, I told him that he should receive a diploma alongside me, acknowledging his indispensable role in my journey. For an Armenian woman, familial understanding and support are indispensable components of success.

N.A.: You’ve shared the formula for success. What advice would you offer to Armenian women and girls?

A.A.A.: My advice to Armenian women is simple: never succumb to despair and strive to achieve your goals. Obstacles are inevitable, but they exist in every family and every field. What truly matters is not just becoming a proficient specialist but also a compassionate and contributing member of your family, community, and society. It’s crucial that your family engages in social work as well. My children and husband have always stood by my side, actively participating in various initiatives. This collective involvement strengthens familial bonds and instills a sense of duty towards public service. Essentially, it becomes a family endeavor, fostering unity among its members.

Armenui Amy Ashvanian’s contributions have been recognized through numerous honors and awards by various state institutions, organizations, and officials. These accolades encompass commendations from esteemed entities such as the Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Office, SEIU Local 721 Women’s Caucus, and the Western Diocese of the Armenian Church, among others.

In her office, the Armenian spirit permeates through the presence of significant symbols, including an Armenian khachkar and a “We Are Our Mountains” sculpture, symbolizing Artsakh. “This corner, I call my Armenian home,” Ashvanian proudly said. “The Lord’s Prayer in my office always reminds me of my identity as a Christian Armenian, a constant reminder of my roots.”