South Caucasus News

ALDE Adopts Resolution on Georgia, Calls for Personal Sanctions Against Ivanishvili

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On October 6 ALDE (Alliance for Liberals and Democrats for Europe party) adopted resolution on Georgia titled “Essential Fair Election Standards and Democratic Reforms in Georgia for EU Integration” at the Party Congress that is taking place on October 4-6 in Estoril, Portugal. The resolution stresses the importance of the democratic reforms and free and fair elections, condemns the democratic regress and persecution of the opponents of the Georgian Dream government and calls for personal sanctions against Bidzina Ivanishili and his family members, as well as for “duplication of sanctions” already imposed by the US against those undermining democracy in Georgia.

The resolution emphasizes the necessity of free and fair parliamentary elections and the importance of carrying out democratic reforms, including those reflected in the EU’s nine conditions in the process of Georgia’s EU integration and the Copenhagen criteria, as well as aligning with foreign and security policies of the EU. Thee document emphasizes that the Foreign Agents’ law and the anti-LGBT law obstruct Georgia’s EU accession negotiations’ prospects and expresses support for Georgian civil society and critical media.

The resolution also expresses support for Georgian people’s commitment to joining the EU. It also supports “Georgia’s rules-based full access to pre-accession financial assistance funds to help its economic and democratic development align with EU standards.” The Party supports President Salome Zurabishvili’s Georgian Charter and reforms it outlines, as well as “the formation of opposition coalitions to promote a pluralistic political environment and prevent loss of votes.”

The Party, at the same time, regrets the adoption and the enactment of the “Russian Law” and the “ongoing political persecution in Georgia, including of President Saakashvili and other political
prisoners”, as well as “Georgian Dreams failure to meet the nine conditions for EU candidacy status, indicating regression in rule of law and anti-corruption efforts.” The document also regrets “the spread of anti-Western campaign and disinformation by government officials, misleading and
intimidating citizens regarding EU integration.”

The resolution condemns the terror campaign against the opponents of the regime, including kidnappings, beatings, raids on opposition parties and civil society offices, ambushes and physical attacks.

The resolution calls on the EU Commission “to strongly oppose violence or election rigging, making this clear to the Georgian government”. It also calls on the Renew Europe Group in the European Parliament to mobilize the the backing of the implementation of the resolution of the European Parliament and to impose “personal sanctions against Bidzina Ivanishvili and his family for steering Georgia away from the EU and NATO and towards authoritarianism.”

Among the calls are the cessation of political prosecution and the release of political prisoners, including ex-president Saakashvili, as well as “dropping cases against activists and demonstrators who protested the “Russian law” and annulment of their penalties.”

ALDE Party also calls for “immediate initiation of EU accession negotiations right after the elections as soon as new democratic government commits to reforms and the fulfillment of the nine conditions” while also increasing EU support for civil society and enhancing election monitoring in Georgia.

ALDE calls on the European Commission to “duplicate sanctions already imposed by the US and those anticipated from the EU on politicians with involvement in the ‘Russian Law’ and anti-democratic practices”, while urging the highest political bodies of the EU “to refrain from high-level contacts with representatives of the Georgian Dream government.”

ALDE is part of the RENEW political group in the European Parliament with 74 seats following the recent European Parliament elections, which makes it the 4th largest group in the European Parliament.

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