South Caucasus News

“Armenia has the prospect of becoming a member of the European family,” – Cyprus defense minister

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Cyprus defense minister in Yerevan

“We are convinced that Armenia has the potential to become a reliable and worthy member and partner of the European family,” stated Cyprus defense minister Vasilis Palmas during his visit to Yerevan. He assured that Cyprus will continue to support Armenia’s efforts for closer cooperation with the European Union.

Palmas also believes that Armenia’s presence in the European family will contribute to peace and stability in the region. He emphasized that Armenia’s commitment to the rule of law, transparent governance, and democratic reforms aligns with EU values and principles.

Armenian defense minister Suren Papikyan expressed appreciation for Cyprus’ support in strengthening Armenia’s ties with EU institutions and member states. He noted that “Armenian-Cypriot relations can aid Armenia’s integration processes within the union.”

The delegation, led by Palmas, arrived in Yerevan for an official visit at the invitation of the Armenian defense minister.

“These were productive and constructive discussions”

According to an official statement, Suren Papikyan and Vasilis Palmas discussed:

  • trilateral cooperation between Armenia, Greece, and Cyprus,
  • the partnership and interaction between Armenia and Cyprus, as well as prospects for further development,
  • ongoing reforms in the armed forces of Armenia and Cyprus and opportunities for exchanging experience,
  • regional security issues.

The Armenian defense minister described the talks with his Cypriot counterpart as “productive and constructive.” He emphasized that these discussions will continue and contribute to the security and defense of both countries.

Statements by the ministers to the press

“Cyprus supports Armenia’s territorial integrity”

Vasilis Palmas reaffirmed Cyprus’ support for Armenia’s territorial integrity, sovereignty, and the inviolability of its borders.

It is crucial for all of us to find a framework for stability and a lasting peace. Our countries share a rich history, a common cultural heritage, and a deep understanding of the challenges that small nations face and must overcome. We are small states determined to defend our territorial integrity,” he stated.

Palmas also noted the strong security and defense ties between Yerevan and Nicosia, which continue to deepen:

Our cooperation includes mutual visits by military personnel, joint exercises, training, and defense procurement. This framework has further strengthened our armed forces’ collaboration.

His counterpart, Suren Papikyan, emphasized: “We will do everything possible to enhance the quality of military and defense-technical cooperation and jointly tackle new security challenges.”

“There is great untapped potential for cooperation”

Armenia’s defense minister highlighted that Cyprus is not only a close friend but also a natural ally. He and his Cypriot counterpart held focused discussions on enhancing defense cooperation and addressing security issues.

While Armenia-Cyprus defense cooperation is already at a high level and has been dynamically developing in recent years, we both acknowledge that there is significant untapped potential, which we will realize in the near future,” Papikyan stated.

He emphasized that cooperation between Armenia and Cyprus aims to enhance both countries’ defense capabilities, strengthen security and sovereignty, and contribute to regional and international stability.

Papikyan also underscored the importance of the trilateral Armenia-Cyprus-Greece partnership, which is geared toward achieving shared goals among countries with common values, ready to confront challenges.

Cyprus’ defense minister also spoke of the potential for further collaboration, pointing to joint military exercises and expanded cooperation between defense education institutions as examples of this growth.