South Caucasus News

The Daily Beat: 19 September

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Lelo” led – the “Strong Georgia” coalition and former Prime Minister Giorgi Gakharia’s “For Georgiafailed to strike a deal on an election alliance for the October parliamentary elections, leaving President Salome Zurabishvili’s efforts to mediate political alliance in peril. “An agreement could not be reached at this time,” the ex-PM Gakharia’s party said in a Facebook post on September 19, three days after President Salome Zurabishvili’s public call for a union between two major opposition forces.

On September 18, Prime Minister Irakli Kobakhidze spoke with journalists about recent U.S. sanctions, Georgian Dream’s approach to restoring territorial integrity, the presidentially-brokered coalition between opposition parties Lelo and Gakharia For Georgia, upcoming elections, and civil society organizations. Slamming the U.S. sanctions, PM Kobakhidze said “that such steps, such decisions do not help to reset relations.”   

The brutal murder of Kesaria Abramidze, a well-known Georgian transgender woman, 37, sparked public outcry amid the adoption of anti-LGBT legislation by the ruling party. The Police arrested her boyfriend, Beka Jaiani, the next morning as the suspected killer, who faces 16 to 20 years or life imprisonment.

Michael Roth, Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the German Bundestag, who visited Georgia two days ago, also reacted to Kesaria Abramidze’s brutal murder. “Kesaria Abramidze was killed. Just one day after the Georgian parliament passed the anti-LGBTI law. I am deeply shocked and call on the ruling party “Georgian Nightmare” to immediately withdraw the shameful law,” posted Roth on social platform X.

State Security Service reported the illegal detention of Georgian citizen by Russian occupation forces near the Tskhinvali occupation line. According to the State Security Service, the “hotline” operated by the EUMM was immediately activated and the co-chairs of the Geneva International Discussions and international partners were informed about the incident. The Security Agency says that all the existing mechanisms have been activated to ensure the swift release of the Georgian citizen.

The Data of the Day

National Statistics Service published preliminary data indicating that in January-August 2024, Georgia’s foreign trade increased by 3% year-on-year totaling USD 14.701 billion in value. In January-August 2024, Georgia’s exports increased by 2.5% to USD 4.174 billion, while imports grew by 3.3% to USD 10.527 billion. In the same period, Turkey was Georgia’s largest trade partner with USD 2.085 billion in trade volume, followed by Russia with USD 1.636 billion, United States with USD 1.279 billion, China with USD 1.235 billion, and Azerbaijan with USD 848 million.

On 18 September, the National Statistics Service released preliminary data, indicating that Georgia’s real GDP increased by 9.6% year-over-year and amounted to GEL 22.102 billion (USD 8.189 billion) during the second quarter of 2024. Geostat said the growth was registered in wholesale and retail trade, repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles (8.4%); accommodation and food service activities (35.7%); education (21.3%); manufacturing (11%); construction (13%); and transportation and storage (16.1%).