South Caucasus News

Opinion: “Georgian Dream is not concerned with resolving conflicts; it wishes to improve Russia’s image”

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Ivanishvili aligns with Russia’s interests

The leader of the ruling party, Bidzina Ivanishvili, is not interested in resolving the conflict. His only concern is seeking revenge against the opposition party, the United National Movement, and its founder, the imprisoned former president Mikheil Saakashvili,” said conflict expert Paata Zakareishvili, commenting on the controversial statement by oligarch Bidzina Ivanishvili, who is considered the shadow ruler of Georgia.

Ivanishvili made his remarks on September 15 during a meeting with voters in Gori, a city that was at the center of the Georgia-Russia war in August 2008 over South Ossetia. He claimed that the war was a ‘provocation planned from abroad and carried out by the United National Movement’ (which was in power at the time). Ivanishvili stated that if ‘Georgian Dream’ wins the parliamentary elections on October 26, it will apologize to the Ossetian people.

This conflict did not start in 2008, and it remains unresolved. Ivanishvili has completely adopted the Russian narrative, and his main goal now is to maintain his own power while aligning with Russia’s interests,’ said Paata Zakareishvili on the program “Summary.”


Paata Zakareishvili, conflict expert: “Bidzina Ivanishvili’s statement about apologizing to the Ossetians is just part of the election campaign. Georgian Dream has lost control of the situation in the election context and is searching for a new slogan that will soon be forgotten.

The same thing happened before the 2020 parliamentary elections. Back then, Georgian Dream widely promoted the slogan ‘Gareji is Georgia,’ but the day after the elections, they forgot about it.

Since then, there have been several meetings between the leaders of Georgia and Azerbaijan, but this issue was never back on the agenda; it wasn’t even mentioned.”

The ancient monastery complex in the mountains is known as David-Gareji in Georgia and Keshikdag or Keshikchdag in Azerbaijan. It is located in an undemarcated border area between Georgia and Azerbaijan and, in 2019, became the cause of a serious diplomatic dispute between the two countries, leading to negative political statements and public outrage in both nations. More details about the complex and the dispute can be found here.

“The current issue, in its brutality, short-sightedness, and even cynicism, is certainly more significant than the Gareji dispute.

It directly impacts people’s lives and, most importantly, undermines the peace process.

The conflict did not start or end in 2008. It is simply revenge against the United National Movement and has nothing to do with resolving the conflict. Georgian Dream is not concerned with conflict resolution at all. Its focus is solely on attacking and destroying the United National Movement and, by extension, the opposition.

This is a stark illustration of how indifferent the authorities are to conflicts.

It is clear in this process that the Georgian authorities want to whitewash and clean up Russia’s image. I don’t understand the people of Gori—how can they vote for ‘Georgian Dream’ after this? The fact that Ivanishvili is making these statements in Gori while the residents remain silent is perplexing.

It is also surprising that he spoke about apologizing to the Ossetians but did not mention the people of Gori. He went there to gain local votes, yet those whose homes were burned during the August 2008 war stand and listen as Ivanishvili speaks about the fire-ravaged Tskhinvali without mentioning Gori (which was bombed by Russian aircraft and where there were casualties).

This is a very clear signal to Russia and the world that they want to portray Russia as no aggressor. They want to suggest that Russia was a beacon of nobility, claiming that it was we Georgians who started the war, forcing Russia to intervene to save the poor Ossetians.

Ivanishvili has fully adopted the Russian narrative. The sole goal of ‘Georgian Dream’ is to maintain power while aligning with Russia’s interests.”