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U.S. Committed to Armenia’s Development, USAID’s Power Says in Yerevan

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Samantha Power, the administrator of the United States Agency for International Development, arrived in Yerevan late Monday and pledged Washington’s commitment to Armenia’s security and development.

The U.S. Embassy in Armenia announced Power’s arrival in a social media post, saying she will meet with government officials, civil society representatives, media, and business leaders during her visit.

“The United States maintains its unwavering support for Armenia’s democracy, economic resilience, sovereignty and territorial integrity,” the embassy added.

“Just touched down in Yerevan. It’s a privilege to return to Armenia—my 2nd trip in the last year—at such a significant time in the expanding partnership between U.S. and Armenia. Looking forward to exploring deeper cooperation during my visit this week,” Power said upon arriving in Yerevan.

Power on Tuesday met with representatives of Synopsys and National Instruments, leading tech companies operating in Armenia, to discuss USAID plans to establish a “Center for Excellence” in Armenia.

“We are committed to contributing to Armenia’s economic and digital security through continued investment in high-tech development,” a USAID statement said, adding that the agency has supported Armenia’s high-tech sector for two decades, partnering with American companies and the government of Armenia.

USAID Administrator Samantha Power learns to make Zhingalov Hats at “Taste of Artsakh” on Jul. 9

Power also visited “Taste of Artsakh,” a food facility run by displaced Armenians from Artsakh through support from t USAID.

The women working at “Taste of Artsakh” introduced her to the preparation of the traditional Artsakh staple, Zhingalov hats, by walking her through how to make the filling that includes 13 types of greens.

Power then joined the women in making the Zhingalov hats.

“Taste of Artsakh” was established after the 44-day war of 2020 and it currently employs 10 people, most of whom were displaced last year, after Azerbaijan’s attack on Artsakh in September.

“Our product is traditional Zhingalov hats from Nagorno-Karabakh. At the moment, we have about 12 types of Zhingalov hats,” Mihran Baghdasaryan, founding director of “Taste of Artsakh” told reporters, adding that they are honored to host USAID Administrator Samantha Power. USAID provided technical support to the company.

The cooperation started in October last year. According to Baghdasaryan, the support provided has given great results for the progress of the company, and allowed to increase the number of jobs.  

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