South Caucasus News

Armenia’s Strategic Shift: Pashinyan’s Gamble with US Ties to Edge Russia in South Caucasus

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Yerevan, Armenia – In a bold move that has sent ripples through the geopolitical landscape of the South Caucasus, Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan has announced a significant shift in Armenia’s foreign policy. This pivot towards the United States and away from traditional ally Russia marks a new chapter in the region’s complex dynamics.

Armenia and the United States are set to conduct joint military exercises, named Eagle Partner 2024, from July 15-24. These drills will focus on peacekeeping operations and aim to enhance the interoperability of units involved in international missions. This collaboration comes amid Armenia’s efforts to distance itself from Russia, which it has criticized for being an unreliable ally. The exercises reflect Armenia’s growing inclination towards strengthening ties with Western nations.

A Departure from Tradition

For decades, Armenia has been closely aligned with Russia, relying on its northern neighbor for military and economic support. However, recent developments have strained this relationship. Pashinyan, who came to power in 2018 on a wave of anti-corruption protests, has increasingly voiced his dissatisfaction with Russia’s role in the region. The tipping point came with the 2020 Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, where Russian peacekeepers were criticized for their inaction as Azerbaijan reclaimed the disputed territory.

Pashinyan’s recent statements underscore his frustration. “It turned out that the members of the [Collective Security Treaty Organization] alliance are not fulfilling their contractual obligations but were planning a war against us with Azerbaijan,” he said, highlighting his disillusionment with the Russia-led security bloc.


Cultivating US Ties

In contrast, Pashinyan has been actively seeking closer ties with the United States and the European Union. This strategic realignment is seen as an effort to secure Armenia’s sovereignty and stability in a volatile region. The US has responded positively, with increased diplomatic engagements and promises of economic aid.

This shift is not without its challenges. Armenia’s move towards the West has sparked protests in Yerevan, led by nationalist figures who accuse Pashinyan of compromising

the country’s security. Despite this, the Prime Minister remains resolute, arguing that Armenia can no longer rely solely on Russia for its defense.

Economic and Political Implications

The economic implications of this shift are significant. Armenia has long been dependent on Russian energy and trade. By aligning more closely with the US, Pashinyan hopes to diversify Armenia’s economic partnerships and reduce its reliance on Russian resources. This could open up new opportunities for investment and trade with Western countries, potentially boosting Armenia’s economy.

Politically, this move positions Armenia as a key player in the South Caucasus, a region of strategic importance due to its proximity to the Middle East and its role as a corridor for energy pipelines. By strengthening ties with the US, Armenia could gain greater leverage in regional negotiations and conflicts.

Russia’s Response

Russia’s reaction to Armenia’s pivot has been one of cautious concern. The Kremlin has long viewed the South Caucasus as within its sphere of influence and is wary of losing a key ally. However, the ongoing war in Ukraine and the resulting Western sanctions have limited Russia’s ability to project power in the region.

In response to Armenia’s shift, Russia has begun to withdraw some of its military presence from the region, signaling a potential recalibration of its strategy. This withdrawal could create a power vacuum that other regional players, such as Turkey and Iran, might seek to fill.

The Gamble

Pashinyan’s gamble is a high-stakes one. By distancing Armenia from Russia and aligning more closely with the US, he is betting on a future where Armenia can stand independently and secure its interests through diversified alliances. This move could either strengthen Armenia’s position in the South Caucasus or leave it vulnerable to regional instability.

As Armenia directs this new path, the international community will be watching closely. The outcome of Pashinyan’s gamble will have far-reaching implications, not just for Armenia, but for the broader geopolitical landscape of the South Caucasus.

Nikol Pashinyan’s strategic shift towards the United States represents a significant departure from Armenia’s traditional reliance on Russia. This move, driven by

dissatisfaction with Russia’s role in regional conflicts and a desire for greater sovereignty, has the potential to reshape the South Caucasus’ geopolitical dynamics. While the path ahead is fraught with challenges, Pashinyan’s bold gamble could ultimately secure a more stable and prosperous future for Armenia.