South Caucasus News

Alexander Dugin: “The “foreign agents” law in Georgia – not “Russian”, but a lighter version of the American one”

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Dugin on the “foreign agents” law

Responding to the signing of the “foreign agents” law by the speaker of the Georgian parliament, Kremlin propagandist and so-called “ideologist of the Russian world” Alexander Dugin stated that this law, which is called “Russian” in Georgia, is actually American.

Has Georgia rid itself of foreign influence?” – This is the title of a post published by Dugin in his Telegram channel.

What does the Kremlin propagandist write?

“The ‘Law on Transparency of Foreign Influence’ has been adopted, signed by the speaker, and is now in effect. The veto by President-in-foreign-agent Salome Zurabishvili has been overridden by a parliamentary majority. Mass protests with riots are expected.

The law, which the opposition called ‘Russian,’ is actually a softer version of the American ‘Foreign Agents Registration Act.’ Here are the differences:

— Penalty for non-compliance:
In the USA – $250,000 or up to five years in prison;
In Georgia – $9,500, no criminal liability.

— Who it affects:
In the USA – media and any legal or physical persons;
In Georgia – media and non-profit legal entities.

— Percentage of foreign income:
In the USA – any amount;
In Georgia – more than 20% of total income.

Double standards in the best democratic traditions. Compared to the American law, the Georgian law looks like a fine for smoking in a public place. In Georgia, there are 25,000 non-governmental organizations for a population of 3.7 million people, or one organization per 148 residents!

In other words, there is literally a foreign agent in every Georgian household, teaching them a new Western way of life. The adopted law does not prohibit them from doing so but only requires them to properly register and pay a little tax.”

On June 3, the сhairman of the Georgian Parliament, Shalva Papuashvili, signed the “foreign agents” law. The law will come into effect on June 4, and organizations receiving foreign funding will have 60 days to register on the designated electronic portal and declare their finances for 2023. The text of the law has already been published.

Prime minister of Georgia Irakli Kobakhidze stated at a government meeting that by adopting this law, Georgia has secured its sovereignty and safety. Additionally, Kobakhidze noted that over the past two months, there has been a lot of disinformation spread about the law, and artificially inflamed passions.

Kakha Kaladze, the general secretary of the ruling party “Georgian Dream” and mayor of Tbilisi, warned that if organizations do not comply with the new legislation, it could ultimately lead to the cessation of their activities.