South Caucasus News

Matthew Miller: U.S. Urges Georgia not to Enact “Foreign Agents” Law, Protect Right of Peaceful Assembly

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U.S. State Department Spokesperson Matthew Miller made a statement on April 18 on “Transparency of Foreign Influence” draft bill, which says: “We are gravely disappointed by the Georgian parliament’s decision to advance Kremlin-inspired “foreign influence” legislation.  As the EU has stated, passage of this law could compromise Georgia’s progress on its EU path.”

The statement says U.S. joins its European allies in urging Georgia not to enact legislation “that goes against the wishes of the overwhelming majority of Georgian citizens — the desire to integrate fully into the EU.” 

The statement emphasizes that Georgia has a vibrant civil society serving its citizens and working to improve Georgia’s economy. It states that if adopted the law could limit freedom of expression, stigmatize organizations that deliver these benefits to the citizens of Georgia and impede, independent media organizations.

“Such Kremlin-inspired legislation is not appropriate if the goal is to promote transparency. We urge all parties to protect the right of peaceful assembly,” concludes U.S. State Department Spokesperson’s statement.

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