South Caucasus News

Speaker Papuashvili Complains about Foreigners Propping Opposition Campaign, Wants “Non-Interference”

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On September 24, the Speaker of the Parliament, Shalva Papuashvili, argued that the opposition is failing to run a coherent campaign, is heading for a “historic defeat,” and thus resorts to “confrontation, negativity, and hate speech,” increasingly relying on “propaganda from outside the country” that “is setting the agenda for the opposition.” Papuashvili presented a special report drafted by Georgian Dream on “Foreign Interference in the Electoral Process.”

“Not a day passes without some statement, interview, live TV cast, article or a visit from abroad, which is directly related to parliamentary elections and the opposition agenda,” the Speaker argued, saying that the “opposition-owned” TV companies then amplify the message “which creates an uneven electoral playing field.”

Papuashvili said this was “foreign interference” affecting the citizens’ choices and may “represent a conscious effort to manipulate the election results.”

“Interference in the internal affairs of another country, especially in elections, is contrary to our common democratic values and the principle of respecting the sovereignty of the state,” emphasized Papuashvili, and referred to the “principle of non-interference,” which he said is enshrined in the UN Charter and other declarations that emphasize “the sovereign equality of all states and their right to conduct their affairs without external interference.”

“Choosing the government is the privilege of the people, not the right and duty of foreign citizens, even if they are partners. Such interference interferes with the conduct of elections under fair and equal conditions so that people can make choices in a free, equal, and fair environment,” stressed Papuashvili.

The Speaker of the Parliament underlined that “in light of the challenges facing the rules-based international order today,” Western partners should be particularly mindful of demonstrating their commitment to these values “not only in words but also in deeds.”

“In the final stage of the pre-election period, I would like to call on our foreign partners to refrain from interfering in the election campaign so that the Georgian people can vote for the political force they deem necessary, without external interference, based on their own views, beliefs, and opinions, and not to subject themselves to the choice made for them from the outside.

Under no circumstances can foreign propaganda be considered a prerequisite for a free and equal electoral environment. In a democratic society, every citizen has the right to make a choice in an environment free from undue influence, because the future of the country rests solely with our citizens,” concluded Speaker Papuashvili.

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