South Caucasus News

Yandex Taxi Transferred Personal Data to Russia

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The Personal Data Protection Service of Georgia reported on September 23 that Ridetech Georgia Ltd., a provider of Yandex Taxi services, illegally transferred the personal data of the Georgian users of its services to Russia.

Ridetech was found guilty of violating the Georgian law on the protection of personal data and fined GEL 4000 (approximately USD 1465). The Service also ordered the company to cease transferring personal data to Russia.

According to the inquest by the Personal Data Protection Service, the personal data of Yandex app users—both customers and drivers—was processed on servers located in Russia, which received the users’ IP addresses. “We are dealing with the transfer (access) of IP addresses to another country,” the Service said.

The service noted that Ridetech requested permission to transfer personal data to Russia before the inspection, but that request was denied.

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