South Caucasus News

Armenian PM Nikol Pashinyan Visits Georgia

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Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan is visiting Georgia. The official welcoming ceremony was held at the Government Administration. Georgian Prime Minister Irakli Kobakhidze received his Armenian counterpart.

Prime Ministers Pashinyan and Kobakhidze held face-to-face and extended format meetings, after which they held a joint press conference.

During the press conference, PM Irakli Kobakhidze underscored the strategic partnership between Georgia and Armenia, “which, of course, will contribute to further deepening of our relations.” The two countries signed the declaration on strategic partnership on January 26, 2024.

He said that during the meeting he thanked the Armenian Prime Minister for the “historic decision” to vote in favor of the June United Nations resolution reiterating the right of all displaced persons and refugees to return to the Georgian regions of Abkhazia and Tskhinvali. “Of course, this decision will further strengthen relations between our two countries,” said PM Kobakhidze.

He also said that during the meeting he thanked the Armenian Prime Minister for supporting the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Georgia.

PM Kobakhidze also stressed that Georgia and Armenia have “very frequent” bilateral visits. He expressed “full readiness” to maintain this dynamic of visits in the future.

According to PM Kobakhidze, the sides discussed relations in all areas between the countries, including politics, economy, culture and education.

“Georgia supports stability and peaceful coexistence in the South Caucasus region,” Kobakhidze said, adding that Georgia welcomes the process of peaceful settlement of the Armenia-Azerbaijani conflict and “in particular Armenia’s efforts aimed at normalization of relations with neighboring countries.” He added: “We are ready to play our role within our capabilities to ensure peace and stability in the region.”

Armenian PM Nikol Pashinyan also underscored the development of relations between the two countries to the level of strategic partnership.

He stressed the importance of both countries recognizing each other’s territorial integrity.

PM Nikol Pashinyan said that issues related to regional peace and stability were also discussed during the meeting. He said that he had informed his Georgian counterpart about the latest developments in the Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict.

He also said that he believes there is a historic opportunity to end the conflicts in the region and create a sustainable peace in the region, adding that not only Armenia and Azerbaijan, but also Georgia, Turkey and Iran will benefit from this.

He underlined the efforts of the Georgian Government to contribute to regional and international peace and stability.

“Grateful to Armenian PM Nikol Pashinyan for visiting Georgia with his team. Covered our multifaceted cooperation in all areas of mutual interest, discussed trade and the economy, the importance of regional cooperation, and a future action plan for further deepening our partnership. I am confident that in the years to come, our centuries-old brotherly relations will continue to deepen and evolve as we work towards building peace and stability in the region!” Georgian Prime Minister Irakli Kobakhidze tweeted.

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