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Russian Intelligence Accuses US of Seeking to Change Government in Georgia Following Elections

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On July 9, the Press Office of the Foreign Intelligence Service of the Russian Federation claimed that there is a “determined attitude in Washington to achieve a change of government in Georgia following the upcoming parliamentary elections on October 26 this year,” accusing the Biden administration of developing “an extensive information campaign” to discredit Georgia’s ruling party.

“The main plot lines of the fabricated scenario, crafted “in the best Hollywood traditions,” have become known. With the typical anti-Russian sentiment of the White House as its basis, the propaganda campaign plans to center on a “sensational exposure”: blaming Russia for all of Georgia’s troubles…” the statement said.

The Russian authorities claimed that Georgian President Salome Zurabishvili is poised to play a pivotal role in stoking anti-government sentiment. The statement further accused the “American ‘curators’” of instructing the Georgian opposition to initiate planning of protests timed to coincide with the upcoming Parliamentary elections.

“The population of Tbilisi is expected to act as a “battering ram” against the authorities, having been “stirred up” during the anti-government protests earlier this spring due to the “foreign agent” law. The plan includes a “sacred sacrifice” among the protest participants, which will direct the “people’s anger” towards the security forces. American provocateurs have ample experience in this regard, as seen in the Kiev “Maidan” a decade ago, where hundreds of people were sacrificed on the “altar of democracy,” including some shot by Georgian sniper-mercenaries,” the Russian Intelligence said.

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