South Caucasus News

President of Georgia: “They want to legalize the use of force”

Georgian President Zourabichvili opposes the government

Georgian President Salome Zurabishvili stated at a special briefing on September 23 that “the pro-Russian orientation of the Georgian government is becoming increasingly evident,” leading the country toward internal conflict and international isolation.

Georgian President Zourabichvili opposes the government

In her view, the ruling party, “Georgian Dream,” lacks hope of winning the parliamentary elections through voter support and is attempting to provoke confrontation within society to later legitimize the use of force.

They know they can no longer win through voting, and they want to push the country ‘to the brink’ […]

This is why we are told that someone from outside wants a revolution and a coup, and that we (the opposition) want it too. This narrative will lead us to a point where the use of force (which I hope they will not resort to) will seem legitimate in their eyes,” Zurabishvili said.

She urged citizens to participate in the elections on October 26 and choose “independence, progress, and Europe.”

Additionally, Zurabishvili explained the reasons for the failure to unite two opposition parties: he party “For Georgia” led by former Prime Minister Giorgi Gakharia and the party “Lelo.”

She believes this is due to, first, a lack of a culture of compromise, and second, distrust and suspicion.

After unsuccessful negotiations with Lelo leader Mamuka Khazaradze regarding the unification of electoral lists, Giorgi Gakharia signed the “Georgian Charter,” initiated by Zurabishvili, which unites most of the country’s pro-Western opposition parties.

At the briefing, Zurabishvili described this charter as a “plan of action for returning to Europe.”

South Caucasus News

“The world faces unprecedented challenges,” said the Prime Minister of Georgia at the UN

The Prime Minister of Georgia’s speech at the UN

Georgia is ready to work with the international community for the sustainable development of the UN. This summit has created a platform to strengthen global cooperation, and now the main task is to implement the commitments made,” stated Georgian Prime Minister Irakli Kobakhidze during his speech at the UN Future Summit in New York on September 23.

The “Future Summit,” held on September 22-23, was organized by German Chancellor Olaf Scholz and Namibian President Hage Geingob as part of the 79th session of the UN General Assembly.

What Kobakhidze said at the summit:

“Three years ago, the UN Secretary-General proposed holding a ‘Future Summit’ to achieve global consensus on creating a better present and a safer future for the next generations.

Today, that vision has become a reality, as evidenced by our meeting, aimed at restoring trust and finding solutions for a better future.

In today’s complex and rapidly changing world, achieving a just future is especially important. We face unprecedented challenges, from the consequences of the pandemic to conflicts and deepening socio-economic inequality.

The UN Secretary-General’s report indicated that only 17% of the Sustainable Development Goals have been achieved, highlighting the need for greater action. In this context, the “Future Summit” represents a unique opportunity to demonstrate the power of global cooperation.

Georgia is ready to work with the international community to achieve these goals by 2030.

The Pact for the Future gives us the chance to turn this summit into meaningful changes that will provide a better future for the next generations. We welcome the approval of the Pact and look forward to its swift implementation.”

Kobakhidze’s visit occurred amid heightened tensions between Georgia and the United States

The U.S., the European Union, and various Western leaders have accused the Georgian government of straying from democracy and spreading aggressive disinformation against Western partners.

The U.S. has partially suspended direct funding for the Georgian government, imposed sanctions on the head of special forces and his deputy, as well as two pro-Russian politicians.

The State Department has enacted visa restrictions on over 60 members of the Georgian government and parliament, including their families, for “undermining democracy in the country.”

The EU has halted Georgia’s accession process and stated that “all options are being considered, including the temporary suspension of the visa-free regime.

In recent days, several theories have circulated in Georgian media regarding what might be happening in the country’s political landscape.

● The TV company “Formula,” citing its sources, reported that the honorary chairman of the ruling “Georgian Dream,” oligarch Bidzina Ivanishvili, received a personal message from Washington indicating that communication with Prime Minister Irakli Kobakhidze and his administration has ceased. This followed a meeting where the Prime Minister openly threatened Washington.

● Georgian expert Gia Khukhashvili stated on his Facebook page that, according to his information, Prime Minister Irakli Kobakhidze reached out to high-ranking officials in Israel to request assistance in arranging an urgent meeting with White House National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan.

● The TV channel “Formula” reported that Prime Minister Irakli Kobakhidze is preparing to announce his intention to sign a non-aggression pact with the separatist regimes of Abkhazia and South Ossetia, thereby recognizing them as subjects of international law.

Tbilisi Mayor and one of the leaders of the ruling party, Kaha Kaladze, denied all these claims in a conversation with journalists, calling them “unsubstantiated.”

South Caucasus News

First VP Mehriban Aliyeva shares video of her visit to mosque in Ahmadli settlement

First Vice-President of Azerbaijan Mehriban Aliyeva has shared a video of her visit to a mosque in Ahmadli settlement on her official Instagram page, Azernews reports.

South Caucasus News

Turan tiger population to be restored in Kazakhstan

Two Amur tigers were brought from the Netherlands to the Ile-Balkhash State Nature Reserve of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Azernews reports.

South Caucasus News

Kazakhstan’s Defense Minister visits Azerbaijan

At the invitation of the Minister of Defense of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Colonel General Zakir Hasanov, on September 23, the Minister of Defense of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Colonel General Ruslan Zhaksylykov paid a visit to our country to participate in the 5th Azerbaijan International Defense Exhibition “ADEX”.

South Caucasus News

EU gas storage levels reach critical capacity ahead of winter

The European Union’s underground gas storage levels have exceeded 93.5%, nearing 104 billion cubic meters, according to Gas Infrastructure Europe (GIE), Azernews reports.

South Caucasus News

50 pubs close every month in England and Wales

From January to June, 305 pubs closed in England and Wales, or an average of about 50 per month, Azernews reports.

South Caucasus News

It is not hypocritical for Azerbaijan to call for a global truce at Cop29 – The Guardian

It is not hypocritical for Azerbaijan to call for a global truce at Cop29  The Guardian

South Caucasus News

It is not hypocritical for Azerbaijan to call for a global truce at Cop29 – The Guardian

It is not hypocritical for Azerbaijan to call for a global truce at Cop29  The Guardian

South Caucasus News

It is not hypocritical for Azerbaijan to call for a global truce at Cop29 – The Guardian

It is not hypocritical for Azerbaijan to call for a global truce at Cop29  The Guardian