South Caucasus

“This colt is gray.”

1873 Colt Peacemaker Pistol Replica - Gray

“This colt is gray.”

South Caucasus

@SvobodaRadio: Замглавы ГРУ, бывший начальник Чепиги и Мишкина Аверьянов до вторжения в Украину несколько раз посещал Израиль, в том числе перед тем, как Нетаньяху призвал США не возвращаться в ядерную сделку с Ираном. После начала войны он стал часто ездить уже в Иран

South Caucasus

@SvobodaRadio: В Славянске Донецкой области задержаны трое человек, поджигавших машины украинских военных

South Caucasus

@SvobodaRadio: Вблизи консульства Израиля в Мюнхене был замечен человек с огнестрельным оружием. Прибывшие на место полицейские ранили его во время открывшейся перестрелки, вскоре он скончался…

South Caucasus

@mikenov: The Gray Colt#ColtGray sounds like a #TellingName. What is the #message? “The real #shooters (“#Colt”) behind the presented by them patsies, are #unknown (“#Gray”); just like this shooter, Colt Gray, who is hard to see (lack of photos)”. Meaning: “You do not know who are the…

South Caucasus

FBI questioned Georgia high school shooting suspect Colt Gray last year over threats and alerted…

The 14-year-old student who opened fire on classmates in a horror mass shooting at Apalachee High School was on the radar of the FBI a year before the tragedy, it has emerged. The federal agency said it interviewed accused gunman Colt Gray, 14, and his father last year following ‘several anonymous t

South Caucasus

FBI questioned GA high school shooting suspect Colt Gray last year

Officials admitted on Wednesday night that gunman Colt Gray, 14, was on the radar of the FBI for over a year before he opened fire at his high school.

South Caucasus

FBI questioned Georgia high school shooting suspect Colt Gray last year over threats and alerted…

The 14-year-old student who opened fire on classmates in a horror mass shooting at Apalachee High School was on the radar of the FBI a year before the tragedy, it has emerged. The federal agency said it interviewed accused gunman Colt Gray, 14, and his father last year following ‘several anonymous t

South Caucasus

@SvobodaRadio: Анархист Руслан Сидики, обвиняемый в подрыве железной дороги и организации атаки дронов на военный аэродром Дягилево, рассказал о пытках после задержания

South Caucasus

@mikenov: colt