South Caucasus

@Osint613: RT @Osint613: Hxmas has resumed operations in northern Gaza, having recruited an estimated 3,000 new rookie fighters. Reports indicate that…

South Caucasus

@KyivIndependent: RT @KyivIndependent: ⚡Russia strikes Poltava with ballistic missiles, killing 41, injuring over 180. The strike hit an educational institu…

South Caucasus

How the War in Ukraine Changed Russia’s Power in the South Caucasus

Russia’s war against Ukraine has changed the nature of the European security architecture. It has also raised questions about Moscow’s ability to maintain its influence and leverage over former Soviet republics, which it considers key for its great-power aspirations. For years, Russia was largely able to use its military, political, and economic leverage to secure its core interests vis-à-vis the three South Caucasus states, but Georgia’s Western-oriented foreign policy, the West’s growing inroads into the region, and the shift in Armenia and Azerbaijan’s balance of power in Nagorno-Karabakh gradually presented the Kremlin with challenges to its influence. Now, as the war in Ukraine has shifted Moscow’s focus away from the region, power dynamics there are again in flux.How have Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia been impacted by Russia’s changing focus since February 2022? Has the war in Ukraine reshaped Moscow’s priorities and ability to project power in these countries? How have the three countries adjusted their relationships with Russia?This event will discuss Russia’s interests in the South Caucasus, the shifts in its leverage in the region since the full-scale invasion of Ukraine, and its consequent ability to realize its interests as the war goes on. It will also explore the implications of this new situation for actors in and outside the region. For more information, please contact Monika Dlugosch at  The German Marshall Fund of the United States (GMF) is a nonpartisan policy organization committed to the idea that the United States and Europe are stronger together.

South Caucasus

@mikenov: #NT #TNT #News #Times#World #USA #POTUS #DOJ #FBI #CIA #DIA #ODNI#Trump #TrumpNews#Israel #Mossad #Netanyahu#Ukraine #NewAbwehr #OSINT#Putin #Russia #GRU #Путин, #Россия #SouthCaucasus #Bloggers The News And Times Review…

South Caucasus

The 2024 National Counterintelligence Strategy

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South Caucasus

Mongolia declines to arrest Putin, defying ICC warrant

Mongolia could face legal consequences for defying its obligation to arrest Putin.

South Caucasus

Inside the IC’s New Counterintelligence Strategy

In early August, the National Counterintelligence and Security Center within the Office of the Director of National Intelligence published a new edition of the National Counterintelligence Strategy.
The refreshed version includes nine goals split across three pillars, which focus on addressing thre

South Caucasus

@SvobodaRadio: Больше 40 человек погибли, около 200 пострадали в результате удара российской армии по Полтаве. Об этом заявил Владимир Зеленский. По его словам, частично разрушено одно из зданий института связи. Минобороны Украины сообщает, что атака велась баллистическими ракетами

South Caucasus

@SvobodaRadio: Российские войска нанесли удары по Запорожью и Днепру, есть жертвы; в Донецкой области продолжается продвижение войск РФ; умерла жительница Саратова, пострадавшая при атаке дрона. Эти и другие новости о войне в Украине – в военном блоге Радио Свобода

South Caucasus

@mikenov: New York Times Launches Telegram Channel for Russia-Ukraine War – The New York Times