South Caucasus News

US Assistant Secretary of State O’Brien: Georgia’s leadership is ‘in denial’ – VOA Asia

US Assistant Secretary of State O’Brien: Georgia’s leadership is ‘in denial’  VOA Asia

South Caucasus News

US Assistant Secretary of State O’Brien: Georgia’s leadership is ‘in denial’ – VOA Asia

US Assistant Secretary of State O’Brien: Georgia’s leadership is ‘in denial’  VOA Asia

South Caucasus News

US Assistant Secretary of State O’Brien: Georgia’s leadership is ‘in denial’ – VOA Asia

US Assistant Secretary of State O’Brien: Georgia’s leadership is ‘in denial’  VOA Asia

South Caucasus

Russia affirms commitment to Iran’s sovereignty amid South Caucasus transit route dispute

TEHRAN – The secretary of the Russian Security Council has reassured his Iranian counterpart of Moscow’s commitment to Iran’s sovereignty as Baku looks to create a transit route near the Iran-Armenia border to connect mainland Azerbaijan to Nakhchivan.

South Caucasus

ArmSpoxMFA: 🎥 Wrap-up of 🇦🇲FM @AraratMirzoyan’s engagement at today’s #yerevandialogue: 🔹official opening remarks following PM of #Armenia, 🔹participation in panel discussion on #SouthCaucasus. 💬 “How to reach a common denominator, common rules & inviolable truths? Through #dialogue.

South Caucasus

pieterja: @OCMediaorg @SouthCaucasus

South Caucasus

@AraratMirzoyan: We had an interesting exchange during #YerevanDialogue panel discussion on #SouthCaucasus: between fragmentation & cooperation. I stressed: we have a real chance now, we – #Armenia, #Georgia, & #Azerbaijan, we have a real chance to close the page of enmity in this region & open

South Caucasus

@NKobserver: #Azerbaijan’s MFA press secretary states Baku has “no obligation” to release former #NagornoKarabakh ethnic-Armenian high-ranking officials, who remain imprisoned since the fall of the territory in September 2023. Source:…

South Caucasus

@SvobodaRadio: Муфтий Татарстана Камиль Самигуллин заявил, что при определённых условиях участники войны в Украине будут признаны Аллахом мучениками за веру и попадут в рай.

South Caucasus

@SvobodaRadio: Четверо астронавтов частной космической миссии Polaris Dawn отправились во вторник в пятидневный орбитальный полёт на модифицированном корабле “Крю Дрэгон” компании SpaceX . Цель полета – испытание новых скафандров с выходом в открытый космос