South Caucasus News

“An affront to history, the country, and the people”: Georgian politicians criticize Ivanishvili’s speech

Reaction to Ivanishvili’s speech

Georgian politicians sharply criticized Bidzina Ivanishvili’s speech yesterday, in which the founder and honorary chairman of the ruling Georgian Dream party blamed the former Georgian government, not Russia, for the August 2008 war and “announced” an apology to the Ossetians.

According to Ivanishvili, the August war was a “provocation planned from abroad,” with the initiator being the former government, meaning Mikheil Saakashvili’s administration and the United National Movement party.

Twelve years have passed. That’s how long it took us to thoroughly investigate step by step and give a political assessment of the 2008 tragedy. Today, we speak loudly, without any hesitation, about the war-mongering ‘National Movement,’ because we have ample evidence of the heinous crimes they committed.

We were fully aware that this was a well-orchestrated provocation from outside, aimed at the Georgian and Ossetian people, with the goal of breaking our unity, destroying relationships, and maintaining endless artificial confrontation.

Today, we clearly understand that the August 2008 war was not the will of either the Georgian or Ossetian people. Therefore, once we expose those responsible for the bloody conflict between brothers and bring the guilty to legal justice for this monstrous crime, the issue of restoring relations will undoubtedly be on the agenda.

I promise you that very soon there will be a ‘Georgian Nuremberg Trial,’ which will undoubtedly be the foundation of our reconciliation. One of the great virtues of Georgians has always been the ability to face reality, no matter how bitter it may be.

In the context of 12 years of continuous peace in Georgia, I am even more convinced that the recognition of our own mistakes, remembering the centuries-old brotherhood and friendship between Georgians and Ossetians, will mark the beginning of a path that awakens the desire to rebuild trust among the people living on both sides of the dividing line,” Bidzina Ivanishvili stated.

Elene Khoshtaria.
Elene Khoshtaria

Elene Khoshtaria, Droa party: “What Bidzina Ivanishvili has done is a step taken against his own history, his country, his state, and his people. Only enemies act this way. But most importantly, this is blackmail and an attempt to intimidate the Georgian people. On the contrary, it unites us. We are united by our dignity, by our history, and by our future, which will be European, safe, and peaceful.

Therefore, if anyone in Georgia needs to apologize, it is Bidzina Ivanishvili himself. He must apologize to the Georgian people. The Georgian people have made their choice. With such worthless statements, he only harms himself. We are strong, united, and dignified, and we have proven this many times. On October 26, we will say the same in the parliamentary elections.”

Nika Gvaramia. Reaction to Ivanishvili's speech
Nika Gvaramia

Nika Gvaramia, Akhali party: “With his statement, Ivanishvili is playing into the enemy’s hands, attempting to falsify the history of our homeland. His claim that we started the war and shed the blood of our brothers was a lie, aimed at humiliating us, oppressing, and terrorizing the nation with threats that Georgian Dream now uses as its sole political tool. But when you use intimidation and our historical tragedies as a political strategy, when the state of your nation doesn’t matter to you, and your main goal is to win elections, you cannot be the leader of the country.

We are a dignified and successful nation. We will not give up this success, our dignity, or our right to pursue happiness, and the only path that will bring us that happiness is the European path. We will reject anything that undermines our dignity.

In the Coalition for Change, we believe it’s essential to talk about our dignity, success, happiness, and future. Bidzina Ivanishvili is pulling us back to Russia, back to our tragedy. But we are not a nation of tragedies—we are a victorious and prosperous nation. We want to find happiness, and we will find it.”

Zurab Chiaberashvili,
Zurab Chiaberashvili,

Zurab Chiaberashvili, Unity – National Movement: “Ivanishvili has insulted the dozens and hundreds of Georgian heroes who fought with honor for the existence of Georgia as a state.

Georgian Dream is a shameful chapter in Georgia’s history. It must be understood that accusations against Georgia are a huge crack in the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the country. This undermines the policy of non-recognition of the occupied territories. We will not allow this.

Ivanishvili will bear political responsibility for this treacherous and shameful statement. On October 26, he will answer for it before the Georgian people. The Georgian people will not allow such a treacherous political force to continue ruling the country and disgracing the name of our heroes.”

Mamuka Khazaradze
Mamuka Khazaradze

Mamuka Khazaradze, Lelo party:

“Every war in Georgia was started by Russia!

Apologies to the families of our heroic boys who sacrificed their lives for the homeland!

We must also apologize to our children for tolerating Bidzina’s Russian-backed government!”

Tamar Kordzaia
Tamar Kordzaia

Tamar Kordzaia, Unity – National Movement:

“Ivanishvili must apologize to all the military and every citizen of Georgia for bringing such shame upon the country.

I don’t know how he will live with himself after these words.”

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South Caucasus News

The Daily Beat: 14 September

During the campaign rally in the town of Gori, near the occupation line, the founder of the ruling Georgian Dream party, Bidzina Ivanishvili, pledged to apologize to Ossetians for the 2008 war, further claiming to arrange the “Nuremberg process” for ex-President Saakashvili and his United National Movement party for putting “Ossetian sisters and brothers up in flame.” He also blamed the war on the “external forces,” not mentioning Russia’s responsibility for military invasion and occupation.

Overshadowed by Merab Dvalishvili‘s victory in the UFC bantamweight world championship, Ivanishvili’s controversial comments about intending to apologize to Ossetians for the 2008 war, still sparked public outcry on social networks. On Sunday evening, a few hundred people gathered in front of the parliament to protest against Ivanishvili’s remarks and the “Kremlin’s dictate.”

Commenting on possible Russian meddling in the October parliamentary elections, Prime Minister Irakli Kobakhidze told journalists that Russia does not have the resources to significantly influence the electoral process. “To influence the elections, you need resources in the media, you need to have your parties, you need to have your agency network in the parties, you need to have media resources. Russia does not have these resources, but other powers do,” PM Kobakhidze said.

Last week, the Communications Commission (ComCom) upheld two complaints the ruling Georgian Dream party filed against opposition-leaning TV stations. In one of the cases, the appeal concerned the refusal of some channels to broadcast the party’s advertisement, which, according to these channels, contains “hate speech” and violates the law. In another case, the appeal concerned the placement of individual political ads by parties currently in coalition with other parties and the allegedly unequal distribution of airtime for free political advertisements.

The Tbilisi City Court has reportedly authorized the Anti-Corruption Bureau to access the personal data – bank account information, of the founders of the newly launched “Vote for Europe” movement and the organization itself. The movement’s lawyer, Kakha Kozhoridze, said on September 13 that the court decision is “absolutely unlawful,” adding that it will be appealed in the Tbilisi Court of Appeals.

Residents of Shukruti village gathered in front of the parliament building to protest damage allegedly caused by Georgian Manganese‘s underground mining. Locals say they never received compensation, accusing the company of forging documents, and demand government action. While the residents of the village accuse the Georgian Manganese of this disaster, the company denies every claim. You can read the story of a months-long protest here.  

On September 12, the 121th Incident Prevention and Response Mechanism meeting was held in Ergneti (in the vicinity of the Tskhinvali occupation line). The meeting was co-facilitated by the Special Representative of the OSCE Chairperson-in-Office for the South Caucasus, Viorel Moşanu, and the Head of the EU Monitoring Mission in Georgia (EUMM), Bettina Patricia Boughani. The meeting comes amid reports of continued illegal “borderization” by the Russian occupation forces.

The Data of the Day

On September 13, the National Statistics Service of Georgia (Geostat) published express data indicating that the external merchandise trade (excluding non-declared trade) of Georgia increased by 3% in January-August 2024 compared to the corresponding period of the previous year, amounting to USD 14,703.2 million.

On September 13, the National Statistics Service released the preliminary results of the summary of the demographic situation in Georgia, suggesting negative natural growth in the first half of 2024. According to the data, the number of live births in January- June 2024 was 18,633 persons, while the number of deaths in the same period was 22,265 persons.

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