South Caucasus News

ADEX 2024: Azerbaijani JF-17 delivery announced – Jane’s

ADEX 2024: Azerbaijani JF-17 delivery announced  Jane’s

South Caucasus News

ADEX 2024: Azerbaijan supplies 30 mm guns for EM&E Guardian turrets – Jane’s

ADEX 2024: Azerbaijan supplies 30 mm guns for EM&E Guardian turrets  Jane’s

South Caucasus News

Exchange price of gold reaches $2,700 per troy ounce for first time in history

The price of gold continued to grow, reaching a new record high of over $2,700 per troy ounce

South Caucasus News

Germany to allocate 170M euros to restore Ukraine’s energy infrastructure

Germany will allocate an additional 170 million euros to restore Ukraine’s energy infrastructure

South Caucasus News

Unlocking New Horizons: New era of ACG field amidst emerging global trends

The era of high oil price volatility linked to last year’s global recession has ended. Since March 2024, there has been a clear shift towards increased demand for energy commodities. But how Azerbaijan withstand these new trends?

South Caucasus News

Georgian prime minister to the residents of Abkhazia and South Ossetia: “We will welcome you with open arms”

Kobakhidze at the UN General Assembly

During his speech at the UN General Assembly, Georgian prime minister Irakli Kobakhidze addressed the residents of Abkhazia and South Ossetia, stating that “on this side of the occupation line, you will always be welcomed with open arms.”

He noted that “20 percent of Georgia’s territory is occupied, but we keep moving forward, growing, and working,” without mentioning Russia.

As for US president Joe Biden canceling his invitation to the reception for world leaders and top UN officials, Kobakhidze said it was “a kind of humanitarian gesture for the opposition.”

Key points from Irakli Kobakhidze’s speech:

● “I want to address our people on the other side of the occupation line, in Abkhazia and the Tskhinvali region. All our efforts are aimed at helping our people so that one day, together with our children, we can live in a happy, united, and prosperous Georgia. On this side of the occupation line, we will always welcome you with open arms. We must rebuild all the broken bridges in our country.”

● “Understanding from our own experience how important peace is, we are doing everything we can to turn the South Caucasus from a region of conflict into a region of opportunity. We welcome the peace process between Armenia and Azerbaijan, particularly the efforts aimed at normalizing relations between neighboring countries.”

● “We have always been ready, and remain ready today, to offer a format of regional cooperation that promotes collaboration and trust between countries, leaving our differences behind.”

● “We must focus on global issues. The ongoing war in Ukraine has created uncertainty and a humanitarian crisis of unprecedented scale. I want to reaffirm that Georgia’s support for Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity within its internationally recognized borders remains firm and unwavering.”


On September 25, it was reported that Joe Biden had decided not to invite Irakli Kobakhidze to the traditional reception during the UN General Assembly. According to Voice of America, although Kobakhidze was initially on the guest list, the invitation was later withdrawn. Additionally, the US administration canceled all meetings with the Georgian delegation, including a refusal from National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan to meet with Kobakhidze.

Earlier, on September 20, Voice of America reported, citing senior White House officials, that the US had developed sanctions against Bidzina Ivanishvili, honorary chairman of the ruling Georgian Dream party, and was considering implementing them in the near future.

South Caucasus News

France’s Macron Deplores ‘Azeri Pressure On Armenia’ – Ազատություն Ռադիոկայան

France’s Macron Deplores ‘Azeri Pressure On Armenia’  Ազատություն Ռադիոկայան

South Caucasus News

France’s Macron Deplores ‘Azeri Pressure On Armenia’ – Ազատություն Ռադիոկայան

France’s Macron Deplores ‘Azeri Pressure On Armenia’  Ազատություն Ռադիոկայան

South Caucasus News

France’s Macron Deplores ‘Azeri Pressure On Armenia’ – Ազատություն Ռադիոկայան

France’s Macron Deplores ‘Azeri Pressure On Armenia’  Ազատություն Ռադիոկայան

South Caucasus News

GCC, Azerbaijan eye promising partnerships in strategic sectors, says Qatari Official

The economies of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) and Azerbaijan have promising prospects for partnership and mutual investment in strategic projects related to energy, mining, the petrochemical industry, tourism, SMEs, food and agriculture, and food security.