South Caucasus

Garland and Wray on Russian interference in election 2024

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Garland and Wray on Russian interference in election 2024

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South Caucasus

@SvobodaRadio: Американские прокуроры предъявили обвинения высокопоставленной чиновнице из штата Нью-Йорк и ее супругу. Против Линды Су и Кристофера Ху выдвинуты обвинения в отказе от регистрации в качестве иностранного агента, мошенничестве с визами и отмывании денег.

South Caucasus

The Hill

The Biden administration on Wednesday condemned Russian efforts to influence the 2024 U.S. election as the Justice Department announced it seized 32 web domains the country has used for its covert campaigns.
The action also targeted two employees of RT, formerly known as Russia Today, a Russian s

South Caucasus

Putin Has Two Sons With Former Olympic Gymnast Kabaeva, Report Says—Here’s What We Know

Putin, who has publicly acknowledged his three daughters from an earlier marriage, has denied rumors of a relationship with Alina Kabaeva, a former Olympic gold medalist.

South Caucasus

@SvobodaRadio: “Здесь много совпадений, и не просто совпадений, а это одна дорога. Прежде всего, и в России, и в Иране мы видим совершенно инертную массу населения. Во время революции в Иране она перестала быть инертной, а в России она будет инертной еще очень долго”.

South Caucasus

SouthCaucasus: Wie funktionieren #Bitcoin-Transaktionsgebühren & wie kannst du Gebühren sparen … via @BTCVerstehenPod

South Caucasus

@emin_bred: Lately, all the tyrants, autocrats, dictators in the world, including Ilham Aliyev, have been challenging the US and democratic countries. These are the results of impunity.

South Caucasus

@WarInstitute: RT by @mikenov: It’s one thing for the Army to appreciate the growing role of drones on the battlefield. It’s another entirely to develop, communicate, and evaluate training standards to prepare for it.…

South Caucasus

@VaticanNews: RT by @mikenov: Pope Francis‘ dream for a more fraternal world was at the heart of his message to Indonesia – and to the world – on Wednesday, his first full day in Indonesia. Watch:

South Caucasus

SouthCaucasus: Armenian government does not reveal compensation amount for border residents. via ⁦@JAMnewsCaucasus⁩