South Caucasus

@SvobodaRadio: В ночь на 3 сентября российские военные нанесли ракетный удар по Запорожью. Погибли двое местных жителей, ещё двое получили ранения. В результате ракетного удара по Днепру погиб один человек, шесть человек ранены…

South Caucasus

@sibrealii: RT by @SvobodaRadio: “Надоело ненавидеть и расчеловечивать”. В Амстердаме сегодня заканчивает работу выставка антивоенных и антиавторитарных работ русскоязычных художников. Сибирь.Реалии поговорили с ее участниками о том, как изменилось их искусство за 2,5 года войны…

South Caucasus

Putin says his family’s ‘little ones’ can speak Chinese fluently

“Members of my family, the little ones, speak Chinese fluently,” Putin told students at a secondary school in Kyzyl, Tuva.

South Caucasus

Putin Visits Mongolia in Defiance of ICC Arrest Warrant

The Mongolia visit is the first by the Russian President to a member state of the International Criminal Court since a warrant was issued against him related to alleged war crimes.

South Caucasus

@NKobserver: #Armenia’s Defence Ministry reports the death of a serviceman as a result of a gunshot wound at a military installation. No details provided, investigation underway.

South Caucasus

@emin_bred: I believe that the EU must fulfill Aliyev’s demands. Dictator Aliyev can no longer be stopped. He even threatened the USA and France and many democratic countries, and those countries were also very afraid of Aliyev.

South Caucasus

@igorsushko: RT by @emin_bred: 🚨 Turkey continues to allow Russian fascists to transport stolen grain from Ukraine through the Bosphorus Strait. A flagless San Severus cargo ship was spotted returning to occupied Crimea in the Black Sea through the strait after delivering stolen grain to Syria.