South Caucasus

SouthCaucasus: Dekhviri in Lechkhumi, Georgia 2/2

South Caucasus

SouthCaucasus: Dekhviri in Lechkhumi, Georgia 1/2

South Caucasus

Watchdog report says FBI is mishandling child sex abuse cases

The FBI is under fire after an internal watchdog report released yesterday found that the agency is continuing to mishandle child sex abuse cases.
It comes three years after the agency failed to investigate USA Gymnastics physician Larry Nassar.
In the new audit, the inspector general found that ag

South Caucasus

@SouthCaucasus: Car repair shop in Tsageri

South Caucasus

SouthCaucasus: @vtchakarova @energybants Green Deal 😎

South Caucasus

@mikenov: Hi, children! I am Panoptes, your FBI-KGB monster …… I have one hundred beautiful blue eyes but they are totally blind, and I can see nothing. I also have very little brain, which is not capable to understand much. That is why I am not able to catch the…

South Caucasus

@mikenov:… Panoptes speaks #NewsAndTimes #NT #TNT #News #Times #World #USA #POTUS #DOJ #FBI #CIA #DIA #ODNI #Trump #TrumpNews #Israel #Mossad #Netanyahu #Ukraine #NewAbwehr #OSINT #Putin #Russia #GRU #Путин, #Россия #SouthCaucasus #Bloggers…

South Caucasus

Hi, children! I am Panoptes, your FBI-KGB monster …

Panoptes – The Creature Codex

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Hi, children! I am Panoptes, your FBI-KGB monster. I have one hundred beautiful blue eyes but they are totally blind, I can’t see anything. I also have very little brain, which is not capable to understand much. 

That is why I am not able to catch the real criminals, just some small, half-rotten fish. I just set up my little traps, in hope to catch someone stupider than I am, and surprise – surprise, I get plenty. 

I want you to work for me and become my eyes, ears, hands, and brain. I will come to you at night and will whisper my stuff into your ears, and we will sign our  cooperation agreement. Then I will dissolve in your dreams, but you will stay and work for me. You will become my informants, and I will pay you well. Information is power! 

South Caucasus

Putin’s support at home and abroad dented by Kursk invasion

Russian President Vladimir Putin is working to manage the fall-out at home and abroad from Ukraine’s audacious counter-offensive into the Kursk region, downplaying the significance of the incursion…

South Caucasus

@SvobodaRadio: ФСБ России 30 августа сообщила, что задержала двух граждан Колумбии, которые участвовали в боевых действиях на стороне Украины. По информации колумбийской El Tiempo, оба колумбийца были задержаны в столице Венесуэлы, Каракасе, и экстрадированы в Россию.