South Caucasus

@mikenov: Posts Review In Brief –

South Caucasus

@mikenov: Posts Review In Brief –

South Caucasus

SouthCaucasus: Night in Tbilisi!

South Caucasus

Chinese Premier Li Holds Talks With Russian President Putin

Chinese Premier Li Qiang met Russian President Vladimir Putin in the Kremlin Wednesday. Li told Putin that relations between the two countries “benefit regional and even world peace, stability and prosperity,” according to a readout from Beijing. (Source: Russian Pool via APTN)

South Caucasus

Fact check: Trump falsely claims Harris met with Putin before Ukraine invasion

Former President Donald Trump falsely claimed Wednesday that his Democratic opponent in the presidential election, Vice President Kamala Harris, met with Russian President Vladimir Putin just days before Russia invaded Ukraine in 2022.

South Caucasus

SouthCaucasus: Literarischer Salon – »Der Osten leuchtet« Bella Chekurishvili: „Freunde der Poesie, ich lade Sie herzlichst zur Lesung und Diskussion mit Bela Chekurishvili (Georgien), Luljeta Leshanaku (Albanien), Aleksei Bobrovnykov (Ukraine), Marko Pogačar (Kroatien)

South Caucasus

Trump wrote grateful note to Putin after nerve agent attack in UK, new book claims

Putin had a ‘hold on Trump,’ retired general HR McMaster wrote in his memoir

South Caucasus

@SvobodaRadio: 21 августа украинская диверсионно-разведывательная группа пыталась попасть в Климовский район Брянской области, сообщил глава региона Александр Богомаз.

South Caucasus

@SvobodaRadio: На политзаключённую Валерию Зотову, которая отбывает шестилетний срок за попытку поджога сельской администрации, оказывают давление в колонии. Сотрудница колонии предложила ей доносить на других заключённых в обмен на поблажки от администрации.

South Caucasus

Putin in Baku and the Role of Azerbaijan for Russia – The Armenian Mirror-Spectator

On August 18-19, Russian President Vladimir Putin visited Azerbaijan for two days, coinciding with ongoing battles in the Kursk region of Russia after the Ukrainian army invaded Russia. The official Kremlin […]