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Azerbaijan and China mull economic cooperation

Azerbaijan and China discussed economic cooperation, Azerbaijan’s First Deputy Economy Minister Elnur Aliyev said on X, Report informs.

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President: Right of return should also be ensured for representatives of Western Azerbaijan Community

The right of return should be mutually ensured, including for the representatives of the Western Azerbaijan Community, Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev said in response to the comment of newly appointed Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Ca

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Israeli and Azerbaijani Foreign Ministers held talks and discussed Armenia


South Caucasus News

The Struggle For Truth: Unveiling Serbian Efforts To Discredit The History And Stability Of Kosovo – OpEd

The Struggle For Truth: Unveiling Serbian Efforts To Discredit The History And Stability Of Kosovo – OpEd

Balkan region. Photo Credit: RFE/RL Macedonia Serbia Kosovo Montenegro bosnia

1.  Introduction  

The Kosovo Intelligence Agency (KIA), in cooperation with other security entities, has successfully uncovered and apprehended four spies connected to the Serbian Security Intelligence Agency (BIA). The arrests included two Serbian national and two ethnic Albanians, who were detained in two separate cases.

The primary objectives of the two ethnic Albanian individuals linked to BIA were to damage the reputation of the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA), discredit the Reçak massacre, provoke interethnic conflicts, and sully NATO’s intervention in Kosovo. In 2009, three individuals connected to BIA were captured in Kosovo. Later, another individual was identified as a member of a group aiming to fabricate and compensate false witnesses concerning the alleged case of organ trafficking by the KLA. Surprisingly, this individual held official positions within the state apparatus of Kosovo.

Serbia has consistently engaged in espionage activities against Kosovo, and the recent revelations are just a small part of its operations. It has recently been uncovered that Russia, through Serbian agents, has also influenced politicians and institutions of the European Union. Therefore, these actions are well-planned and strategically targeted. To uncover the objectives of this country, we have engaged in studying recent cases and a 2009 espionage case, including the theoretical framework.

This study employs a qualitative research approach, analyzing specific cases of espionage arrests and investigative materials obtained from open sources. By combining the analysis of open sources, regional circumstances, and Serbia’s approach against Kosovo, the study aims to understand the motives and strategic goals of individuals involved in espionage. Theories of motivation, psychological and social factors are used to interpret the behaviors and decisions of the spies.

The research question of the paper is: “What are the main reasons and motivations that lead individuals to engage in espionage against their country, and how does this affect Serbia’s efforts to manipulate the history and stability of Kosovo?”

The dependent variable of the paper is: “Serbia’s strategic goals against Kosovo through espionage”.

2.  Reasons Why People Engage in Espionage against Their Country

2.1.  Theories of Motivation

2.1.1.   Rational Choice Theory: This theory suggests that individuals make decisions based on their personal interests (Scott, 2000). In the context of espionage, an individual may choose to work for another country if they believe that the benefits, such as financial gain or personal advancement, outweigh the risks and potential consequences.

2.1.2.   Social Exchange Theory: This theory states that individuals engage in behaviors based on the rewards and costs associated with those behaviors (Cropanzano & Mitchell, 2005). In the case of espionage, an individual might weigh the potential benefits (e.g., financial gain, personal satisfaction) against the costs (e.g., legal consequences, social ostracism) and decide that the benefits outweigh the costs.

2.1.3.   Psychological Factors: Psychological factors such as the desire for power, a sense of loyalty to another country, or a need for excitement and adventure can also motivate individuals to engage in espionage (Wilder, 2017).

2.2.  Additional Factors 

a)    Personal Circumstances: Individuals facing financial difficulties, personal crises, or other challenges may be more susceptible to promises of financial gains or other benefits offered by a foreign government.

b)    Loyalty and Identity: Individuals who feel detached from their country or have a strong sense of loyalty to another country may be more inclined to engage in espionage.

c)    Opportunity and Ease: The availability of opportunities and the ease of access to sensitive information can also influence an individual’s decision to engage in espionage.

d)    Cultural and Social Factors: Cultural and social factors such as a lack of national pride, the concept of postcolonial image, or the desire to be part of a larger community can also contribute to an individual’s decision to engage in espionage.

e)    Brainwashing and Manipulation: In some cases, individuals may be coerced or manipulated into engaging in espionage through psychological manipulation, blackmail, or other forms of coercion.

3.  Two Identities, One Spy 

Since 2002, a Serbian spy, Marko Knezhevic, is suspected to have operated in Kosovo under the pseudonym “Drugi Crni”, posing as a journalist for “TV Most” based in Zvecan. On May 30, 2024, the Kosovo Police arrested Knezhevic following an investigation and discovery by the Kosovo Intelligence Agency. The arrest occurred due to Knezhevic’s use of dual identities, as his Serbian and Kosovar passports did not match (Teve, 2024).

This arrest sheds light on Serbia’s clandestine operations in Kosovo, highlighting the ongoing efforts of the Serbian country to undermine regional stability. Knezhevic’s involvement with “TV Most” highlights the strategic use of media to disseminate propaganda and manipulate public opinion. Posing as a journalist, he was able to gather intelligence and spread disinformation, serving Serbia’s interests and likely organizing and aiding terrorist groups such as the “Northern Brigades” and “Bridge Guards”. Knezhevic was a close associate who reported to Aleksandar Vulin, current Deputy Prime Minister in the Serbian government, former Minister of Internal Affairs, and former director of BIA.

The presence of advanced technological devices in Knezhevic’s possession suggests that Serbia has heavily invested in sophisticated surveillance and espionage tools. This underscores the country’s commitment to covert operations designed to compromise Kosovo’s security and sovereignty. Furthermore, Knezhevic’s dual identities in Kosovo and Serbian passports raise questions about the extent of Serbia’s infiltration into Kosovo’s social and institutional life.

This discovery has significant implications for regional security, suggesting that Serbia has been able to penetrate Kosovo’s structures and gather sensitive information.

4. KIA uncovers two “Good Albanians” serving Serbia to distort the history of war

The Kosovo Intelligence Agency (AKI), following an investigation and collection of incriminating data, has testified before the Supreme Court of Kosovo, engaging in legal actions leading to the arrest of two individuals, Bedri Shabani and Muharrem Qerimi, on charges of collaboration with the Serbian Information and Security Agency (BIA). Evidence gathered by KIA indicates that these individuals were actively undermining Kosovo, the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA), and the historical narrative of Kosovo’s war.

Bedri Shabani, a former customs officer during Slobodan Milosevic’s regime in the 1990s, and Muharrem Qerimi, a former official of the Kosovo Police until after Kosovo’s independence declaration, who was dismissed from this institution due to misuse of a confiscated vehicle, were found to have mutual contacts within BIA, specifically with Serdjan Rosic, a Serbian from Ferizaj. The latter is a familiar name from Bogolub Janicevic’s testimony in The Hague. The primary goal of these detainees was to manipulate evidence and orchestrate witnesses against the KLA.

Bedri Shabani, in particular, has been actively involved in Serbia’s efforts to distort the history of the Reçak massacre. Serbia has continuously promoted its narrative that the Reçak massacre was staged by the KLA and the international community. The main objective of this historical revisionism is to undermine NATO’s intervention in Kosovo, prompted by the Reçak massacre and William Walker’s response. NATO’s intervention in Kosovo was a response to the genocide perpetratedby the Serbian state against Albanians in Kosovo under Slobodan Milosevic’s leadership. According to current information, Bedri Shabani played a significant role in this disinformation campaign. He attempted to create a replica of the “yellow house” similar to the one in northern Albania, fabricating a narrative that the KLA engaged in human organ trafficking. Shabani’s strategic aim was to link the former KLA military hospital in the village of Mollopolc, Shtime, with the Reçak massacre, as these two villages are geographically close.

Muharrem Qerimi has consistently portrayed himself as an agent of British intelligence services. (T7, 2024)

4.1. Discovery of Serbia’s Efforts to Distort Kosovo’s History 

The recent arrest of Bedri Shabani and Muharrem Qerimi by the Kosovo Intelligence Agency (KIA) has shed light on Serbia’s ongoing efforts to distort Kosovo’s history and undermine its stability. These two individuals, suspected of working for the Serbian Information and Security Agency (BIA), were found to be actively involved in spreading disinformation and manipulating public opinion against Kosovo.

4.2.   Background and Motivations

Shabani and Qerimi’s activities date back to the 1990s when they were employed in Serbian institutions, a time when Albanians were excluded from institutions and public life in former Yugoslavia. Shabani worked in Serbia’s regime as a customs officer and after the war primarily lived outside Kosovo, while Qerimi was dismissed from the Kosovo Police for misuse of a seized vehicle and later engaged in the real estate sector, presenting himself as someone powerful working for KIA or another intelligence service.

4.3.  Objectives and Methods

The primary goal of Shabani and Qerimi was to distort the history of the Reçak massacre, a key event in the Kosovo War. Serbia has continuously sought to impose its narrative that the massacre was staged by the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) and the international community. Particularly, Shabani has been involved in this campaign, attempting to fabricate a “yellow house” similar to where the KLA is accused of trafficking human organs. His aim was the strategic alignment of the location and connection between the facility and the massacre with the former KLA military hospital in the village of Mollopolc, near Reçak.

4.4.  Contacts and Operations

Shabani and Qerimi had contacts with BIA both physically and through other channels via Serdjan Rosic. Recently, they had attempted to organize an ethnic incident in Kosovo similar to those in the 1980s, 1990s, or post-war periods. This suggests they were part of a larger network aimed at destabilizing the region.

Implications and Consequences

The arrest of Shabani and Qerimi has significant implications for the security and stability of Kosovo. Their activities were designed to harm the state of Kosovo and undermine its international reputation. Furthermore, their malicious plan against William Walker, a key figure in the international community, highlights the extent of Serbia’s efforts to manipulate and intimidate.

4.5. Denial by BIA

The arrest of Bedri Shabani and Muharrem Qerimi serves as a harsh reminder of Serbia’s ongoing efforts to distort Kosovo’s history and undermine its stability. KIA’s investigation has uncovered a complex network of disinformation and manipulation aimed at harming Kosovo and its international reputation. The Serbian BIA’s denial of any communication or collaboration with the two arrested individuals (САОПШТЕЊЕ 05.06.2024. Безбедно-информативна Агенција, n.d.) is a clear indication of their involvement in these activities and their panic over the exposure and counter-exposure of Serbian intentions. The international community must remain vigilant and continue to support Kosovo in its efforts to counter Serbia’s destabilizing activities.

South Caucasus News

Elections Sans Electoral Alternatives And Democratic Stagnation In France, UK And USA – OpEd

Elections Sans Electoral Alternatives And Democratic Stagnation In France, UK And USA – OpEd

politics democracy elections

Free and fair elections are considered to be the festivals of democracy, where the electorates have the opportunity to choose their leaders from a pool of alternative candidates listed on the ballot. This democratic process allows citizens to express their preferences and have a direct impact on the governance of their country or community. Through elections, individuals are empowered to voice their opinions on policies and leadership, ensuring that those in power are representative of the people’s will. The diversity of candidates provides a range of options, reflecting various ideologies and policy proposals, which enriches the democratic experience and encourages healthy political competition. This fundamental aspect of democracy not only legitimises the authority of elected officials but also fosters civic engagement and political accountability.

In the ongoing elections in France, the electorates face a choice between the far-right National Rally (RN) party, led by Marion Anne Perrine Le Pen, and the liberally centrist right-wing Ensemble alliance, headed by Emmanuel Jean-Michel Frédéric Macron. The left-wing New Popular Front (NFP) coalition is trailing behind these right-wing contenders. The results of the first round of the country’s parliamentary elections indicate that the National Rally (RN) party has won a substantial majority, positioning it to form the next government in France. This significant right-wing political shift challenges the radical legacies of the French Revolution. The flag-waving nationalism of the National Rally has overshadowed the revolutionary promises of “Liberté, Égalité, Fraternité” potentially altering the historical and ideological landscape of French politics.

The forthcoming election in the United Kingdom offers little in terms of radical electoral choices, with the main contenders being the Labour Party, led by Sir Keir Rodney Starmer, and the Conservative Party, under the leadership of the current Prime Minister, Rishi Sunak. Both parties uphold the interests of the establishment and follow similar policy trajectories, both domestically and in terms of foreign policies. Interestingly, the Labour Party leader, Mr. Starmer, appears more conservative in his approach than Mr. Sunak, who, in turn, evokes comparisons to Tony Blair, albeit without Blair’s charm of a political marketer.

Similarly, the presidential election between the Democrats, under the leadership of the current President, Mr. Joseph Robinette Biden Jr., and the Republicans, led by the ex-president, Mr. Donald John Trump, offers nothing radical to the American people. Both these political traditions consistently pursue, nourish, and implement their neo-imperialist ambitions, both domestically and internationally. These two political parties are supported by the American establishment, which betrays the very foundations of the American Revolution, a revolution that was built on the ideals of equal citizenship rights, liberty, equality, and self-government.

From alcohol and cars to drugs, many goods are conveniently delivered to people’s homes, yet hungry and homeless individuals still stand in line at soup kitchens or food banks. This stark contrast highlights the capitalist reality of so-called advanced democracies in America and Europe. Elections in France, the United Kingdom, and the United States, three advanced capitalist democracies, offer nothing radical that can change the everyday sufferings of the working masses.

The limited electoral choices available to the people in the ongoing elections underscore the absolute grip of the establishment on democratic practices, including periodic elections. This stranglehold curtails genuine democratic engagement and reduces the elections to a mere formality, rather than a true expression of the people’s will. Moreover, these elections have proven inadequate in curbing the pervasive issues of neocolonial and imperialist wars that threaten democracy in the world. Despite the democratic facade, the underlying power structures continue to perpetuate policies that undermine democratic values and destabilise global peace and justice while exploitation working masses in Europe and America.

Market forces are celebrating the forward march of right-wing culture and politics in advanced capitalist democracies, particularly in France, the United Kingdom, and the United States. This celebration reflects the alignment of economic interests with the political shifts towards conservatism and nationalism in these nations. The rise of right-wing ideologies is often accompanied by policies that favour deregulation, lower taxes, and reduced government intervention in the economy, which align with the goals of powerful market entities. Consequently, the entrenchment of right-wing politics in these countries signifies not only a cultural shift but also a transformation in economic policies that benefit market-driven interests. As a result, the synergy between market forces and right-wing politics is reshaping the political landscape in these advanced capitalist democracies.

Elections have increasingly become a monopolized practice of the powerful, failing to adequately foster the deepening of democracy. The corporatisation of current electoral landscape often sidelines diverse voices and perpetuates inequalities in representation. As a result, the fundamental principles of democracy, such as inclusivity and fair representation, are undermined. In this context, it becomes increasingly clear that the preservation of democracy and the resurgence of its core values—equality, liberty, justice, and fraternity—can only be achieved through a robust working-class mass movement. This movement is essential not only to counteract the erosion of democratic norms but also to reclaim the foundational principles of working-class democracy. These principles are rooted in the idea that every citizen should have equal rights and opportunities, ensuring that justice is accessible to all and fostering a sense of solidarity and community.

By championing these inalienable foundations of citizenship, a working-class mass movement can serve as a potent force in safeguarding democracy against threats posed by authoritarianism, inequality, and the unchecked influence of powerful interests. Thus, by mobilising around these ideals, the working class can play a pivotal role in revitalising democracy and advancing a society where all individuals can thrive and participate fully in civic life and control public resources for their well-being. Elections can be a tool for political mobilization, driving the democratic transformation of society, the state, and the government towards peace and prosperity for all citizens, regardless of their backgrounds.

South Caucasus News

Israel In Gaza: The Jewish Break With Zionism – OpEd

Israel In Gaza: The Jewish Break With Zionism – OpEd

Israel flag

Something has happened in connection with Israel’s savage war in Gaza that no one expected and that few even now want to discuss. It cannot be summarized numerically – not even when the number of dead and missing Palestinians now exceeds 38,000 and when the total number of casualties is well over 120,000 – the equivalent, in population terms, of 14 million Americans. Nor can it be expressed by describing the effects of starvation, disease, and psychological damage on the surviving two million-plus Gazans, 85% of whom have been displaced from their homes, and who now face continued air and ground strikes aimed at the remaining forces of Hamas.

The Israelis have also suffered greatly, beginning with their loss of 1200 soldiers and civilians to Hamas attackers on October 7, 2023. One effect of this brutal assault was to reopen the wounds of the Holocaust, re-traumatizing a people already conscious of their historic vulnerability. But the result of their government’s bloody response to that violence, deemed plausibly genocidal by the International Court, combined with its failure to recognize the systemic sources of Palestinian misery and rage, have broken the ties connecting them to sympathetic allies and friendly critics around the globe.

The ancient Chinese had a doctrine that tried to account for a severed relationship between the emperor and the people. They said that a ruler who had lost “the mandate of heaven” would be seen ever after as illegitimate and not worthy to be obeyed. Judaism and Christianity have their own versions of this doctrine. Both understand that a regime’s legitimacy depends, finally, on its ability and willingness to treat its subjects and neighbors justly. The systematic mistreatment of its internal constituents or other states deprives a government of the right to demand loyalty and respect.

Where Israel is concerned, many observers would agree that Israel’s Prime Minister Netanyahu has lost any claim to this sort of legitimacy. They understand that his dogged opposition to a Palestinian state, his promotion of massive Jewish settlement in occupied territories, and his past wink-and-a-nod support of Hamas are at least partly responsible for the current slaughter in Gaza. But the problem cannot be defined by pointing fingers at Bibi or his even more ultranationalist ministers. The tie being broken is not just that with Israel’s current government but also with thesystemthat produced that regime.

The system that Netanyahu’s Likud Party inhabits, along with other Israeli parties ranging from fairly far Left to very far Right, is Zionist. That is, it reflects a consensus that the State of Israel’s primary mission is to be a place of refuge and homeland for Jews worldwide and a means of expressing the interests and values of Israeli Jews in national form. A corollary is that if carrying out this mission seems to be threatened by the actions of other groups – non-Jewish communities within the state or other national regimes – then Jewish Israeli interests must be preferred over all others. According to Israel’s Basic Law of 2018, “the right to national self-determination in the State of Israel is unique to the Jewish People.” Since a state is a community empowered to enforce its norms violently, this systemic preference for Jewish identity and interests creates a warrant for “structural violence” (for example, the discriminatory regulations that Palestinians call “apartheid”) against non-Jews.

For a long time, most American Jews have understood that there is tension between Zionism and the moral values that Judaism helped the world discover. This tension is not peculiar to Zionism; it exists whenever nationalistic beliefs and practices appear to conflict with more general human interests and needs. The tension seems particularly acute where nationalism mixes with ethnic or religious identity, since Judaism and other world religions claim to embody and promote universally applicable values, not just the customs of a particular tribe. One such value is the sanctity of human life. Human life is sacred and inviolable, say the holy ones – except when we Jewish, Christian, Muslim, Hindu, or Buddhist nationalists decide that to protect our own group it is expendable.

As a result, when Israeli retaliation against Hamas took the form of a massive continuing assault on the entire population of Gaza, my own reaction, like that of many other Jews, was that regardless of whether the violence amounted to legal genocide, it violated fundamental Judaic principles, beginning with the principle that no life, Jewish or non-Jewish, is more deserving of death or more worthy to be saved than any other life. One’s sense that a gross violation of Jewish norms was taking place was strengthened, not weakened, when those trying to justify the massacres charged that Hamas fighters were sheltering among civilians and using them as “human shields.” Are soldiers in a country without natural protection or air cover expected to fight in the open? In any case, where is it written that the killing of masses of innocent civilians is justified in order to punish wrongdoers hiding among them?

Answer: it is written nowhere. Although one may search the Torah for historical parallels or the Talmud for rabbinic hypotheticals, the principle that rates one of “our” lives as equal to ten or 100 or 1000 of “theirs” is not a tenet of traditional religion; it is a typical dogma of the secular religion known as nationalism. This becomes clear when pro-Israel spokespeople use the mass violence of World War II to justify their own violent excesses. “Did you care how many civilians you killed when you bombed Dresden or Hiroshima?” The question is revealing. We are not supposed to care about those massacres (although many of us do), because the nationalist catechism instructs, “When the nation is in danger of defeat, all violence necessary to preserve it is justified.”

The Zionist equivalent is this: “When the security of Israel is threatened, all violence necessary to eliminate that threat is justified.” Of course, things are not usually expressed in such bald terms. Where states justify extreme violence in defense of their (alleged) national interests, they usually do so not in their own name alone but in the name of the American (or French, or Russian) people, or, even more gloriously, in the name of the abstract principles said to legitimize their political culture, such as freedom, equality, and democracy. Similarly, the Israeli government speaks as the voice not only of its own citizens but of “the Jewish people,” who are said to be threatened worldwide by a resurgence of antisemitism, and as an authorized exponent of “Jewish values.”

Which values, in particular? The answer may come dressed in Jewish garb, but it is the same as that offered by all ethnic nationalists: the supreme value of the group’s survival. One needs to pay careful attention to the way this argument develops; it’s like watching an expert street hustler play the shell game. First, he focuses your attention entirely on Hamas. Not only did Hamas conduct the savage attacks of October 7, he declares, that same organization and its supporters also want to destroy Israel and kill the Jews.AllJews, everywhere. The same thing is true of Hezbollah and Iran and their supporters. Therefore, whatever violence is needed to annihilate Hamas and to deter Hezbollah and Iran from attacking Israel is justified to secure the survival of the Jewish state and the Jewish people. And anyone who questions this conclusion is a knowing or unknowing enemy of the same state and people, i.e., an antisemite.

Which shell on the table hides the coin? Never mind that this is not what Hamas (or Hezbollah, or Iran) says it wants to do. Never mind that that the October 7 attack, ghastly as it was, did not in the least represent an existential threat either to Israel or the world’s Jews. Never mind that genocidal violence against the Gazans does more damage to Israel’s international support and long-term security than any antisemite could hope to do. Focusing on horrors that revive vivid memories and fears of the Holocaust and other traumas, one loses sight of a principle imparted to me years ago by the Israeli scientist and peace activist Israel Shahak: “There is no right of Jewish survival that can justify the oppression of other peoples.” The survival of the group at all costs is a nationalist doctrine, not a Jewish one.

A Holocaust survivor himself and soldier of the IDF in earlier days, Prof. Shahak described modern Zionism as a virulent form of ethnic narcissism. The underlying assumption of this mode of thinking, he insisted, is always “Our lives are worth more than theirs.” Unsurprisingly, this insight inspired the Anti-Defamation League to brand him an antisemite, but he never tired of explaining that the attempt to fuse nationalism with Judaism had corrupted Jewish ethics and had itself become a generator of antisemitism. In his view, Jews in Israel and around the world could only be truly secure as part of a global movement that worked to establish ahumansecurity based on the equality of all peoples.

In advocating this recognition of a common humanity trumping nationalism, the Israeli dissenter joined a list of notable cosmopolitans ranging from contemporary figures like Noam Chomsky to nineteenth century sages like Samuel Clemens (Mark Twain). The author ofHuckleberry FinnandThe War Prayerwell understood the genocidal implications of nationalist passion. Since every act of violent “self-defense” by one nation is interpreted by the target nation as an aggressive act calling for retaliation or revenge, the logic of nationalist conflict is essentially that of the family feud. InHuckleberry Finn,Huck’s friend Buck Grangerford explains what this means:

Well, says Buck, “a feud is this way: A man has a quarrel with another man and kills him; then that other man’s brother kills him; then the other brothers, on both sides, goes for one another; then the cousins chip in—and by and by everybody’s killed off, and there ain’t no more feud.

Twain makes his point, as he often did, with the darkest of dark humor. But how do we avoid the genocidal consequences of ethnonational loyalty?Israel Shahak insisted that the antidote to Zionist nationalism wasnotPalestinian nationalism or any other form of ethnic supremacy rebranded as anticolonial liberation. He was under no illusions about the provenance of Zionism, which at least since Great Britain’s Balfour Declaration (1917) was part of a colonial project to establish a Jewish homeland as an agency of Western influence in the Middle East. When the U.S. replaced Britain and France as the region’s imperial master after World War II, the Americans succeeded to British hegemony over Palestine. But Shahak understood – exactly as Franz Fanon did – that without radical social and political change, nationalist elites will be incorporated into a global elite, and oppressed nations into an alliance of oppressors.

Thus, when Zionists complain that it is antisemitic to deny Jews the “right of self-determination,” they are right in one sense and horribly confused in another. In a world of violent, power-addicted nation-states, why should Jews be denied the right to be as violent and power-addicted as Christian, Muslim, or Hindu nationalists? The confusion lies in supposing that building and arming a nation liberates an ethnic or religious group, secures its existence, and permits it to thrive. Centuries ago, nationalism helped free people from domination by feudal lords and traditional religious authorities. Today it functions mainly as way of preventing people from thinking and acting as members of the human family and the global working class.

To prevent genocidal wars like the war in Gaza from recurring, we need to do more than “flip” relations between the oppressors and the oppressed. We need to move on from the infantile form of political identity called nationalism to global citizenship and moral adulthood. And this will not happen until we replace a system in which capitalist oligarchs manipulate nation-states to maximize their own profits and power with a system controlled by the working people of all nations. Referring to the railroad oligarchs of his own time, Henry David Thoreau wrote,

“Though a crowd rushes to the depot and the conductor shouts ‘All aboard!’, when the smoke is blown away and the vapor condensed, it will be perceived that a few are riding, but the rest are run over—and it will be called, and will be, ‘a melancholy accident.’”

When the smoke clears in Gaza, it will be perceived that the only people not “run over” are the owners and managers of the U.S. military-industrial complex and their political enablers.  They will be counting their money, running for reelection, and planning the next war.  And that will be no accident.

South Caucasus News

The Executive Council Of The Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission Highlights IOCINDIO Achievements At Paris Meeting – OpEd

The Executive Council Of The Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission Highlights IOCINDIO Achievements At Paris Meeting – OpEd

indian ocean fishing boat sunset

The Executive Council of the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC) held a significant meeting in Paris from June 25 to 28, 2024. This session prominently highlighted the achievements of the IOC Regional Committee for the Central Indian Ocean (IOCINDIO), which has been a key player in oceanographic research since its establishment in 1982. The discussions in Paris underscored the importance of IOCINDIO’s contributions to various scientific research areas such as ocean temperature, ocean observation, ocean weather, and coastal vulnerability.

The Evolution and Achievements of IOCINDIO: Historical Context and Mission

Since its inception in 1982, IOCINDIO has operated under the aegis of the IOC, with a dedicated focus on the Central Indian Ocean. The committee’s mandate has been to foster scientific research and collaboration among member states, addressing critical issues related to the ocean’s health and its impact on coastal communities. Over the years, IOCINDIO has spearheaded numerous initiatives aimed at understanding and mitigating the effects of climate change, enhancing oceanographic data collection, and promoting sustainable use of marine resources.

Key Research Areas

IOCINDIO’s research spans several critical areas:

Ocean Temperature: Monitoring changes in ocean temperature is vital for understanding climate change. IOCINDIO has been instrumental in deploying temperature monitoring systems across the Indian Ocean, providing crucial data for global climate models.

Ocean Observation: Comprehensive ocean observation is essential for predicting weather patterns and understanding marine ecosystems. IOCINDIO has established a network of observation stations, contributing to a global effort to monitor oceanic changes.

Ocean Weather: By studying ocean weather patterns, IOCINDIO helps predict extreme weather events, such as cyclones and tsunamis, thereby aiding in disaster preparedness and mitigation.

Coastal Vulnerability: Coastal areas are particularly vulnerable to the impacts of climate change. IOCINDIO’s research focuses on assessing and mitigating the risks faced by coastal communities, including sea-level rise, coastal erosion, and habitat destruction.

Paris Meeting: Budgetary Provisions and Future Directions

The Paris meeting was pivotal in securing budgetary provisions for several key activities that will further bolster IOCINDIO’s impact. The allocated budget will support the following initiatives:

GOOS Regional Alliance for the Indian Ocean: The Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS) plays a crucial role in coordinating international ocean observation efforts. The budget will enhance the capabilities of the GOOS Regional Alliance for the Indian Ocean, ensuring better data collection and analysis.

Building Community Resilience: Funds will be directed towards initiatives aimed at building resilience in coastal communities. This includes education, infrastructure development, and the implementation of early warning systems for natural disasters.

IOCINDIO Governance and Coordination: Effective governance and coordination are essential for the success of any scientific endeavor. The budget will support the administrative functions of IOCINDIO, facilitating better collaboration among member states.

IOCINDIO Capacity Development: Capacity development is crucial for empowering member states to undertake independent research and implement sustainable practices. The budget will fund training programs, workshops, and the development of research infrastructure.

IOCINDIO Ocean Literacy: Promoting ocean literacy is vital for fostering a deeper understanding of oceanic issues among the general public. The budget will support educational campaigns, outreach programs, and the development of educational materials.

Leadership and Strategic Initiatives: Rear Admiral Md. Khurshed Alam’s Leadership

In June 2021, Rear Admiral Md. Khurshed Alam (Retd.), Secretary of the Maritime Affairs Unit of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Bangladesh, was elected as Chair of IOCINDIO. Under his leadership, IOCINDIO conducted eleven meetings with various member states and stakeholders, driving forward numerous initiatives and fostering greater collaboration.

Elevation to a Sub-Commission

One of the most significant achievements under Rear Admiral Alam’s leadership was the successful passage of a resolution to upgrade IOCINDIO to a sub-commission for the Indian Ocean. This resolution was approved by the IOC Assembly in June 2023. This upgrade brings IOCINDIO in line with other regional entities under the IOC, such as those in the Pacific, Caribbean, and African coasts, enhancing its capacity to address the unique challenges of the Indian Ocean region.

Re-election and Future Proposals

Following the upgrade, Rear Admiral Md. Khurshed Alam (Retd.) was re-elected as Chair of the IOCINDIO Sub-Commission. His leadership continues to drive the committee forward, with several new proposals submitted to the IOC aimed at enhancing research on the Indian Ocean. These proposals include initiatives to expand oceanographic research, improve data sharing among member states, and increase the deployment of advanced monitoring technologies.

Strategic Importance of the Indian Ocean: Geopolitical and Economic Significance

The Indian Ocean holds immense geopolitical and economic significance. It is a major conduit for international trade, with some of the world’s busiest shipping lanes. The region is also rich in natural resources, including fisheries and hydrocarbons, making it a focal point for economic activities.

Environmental Challenges

Despite its importance, the Indian Ocean remains one of the least explored oceans in the world. It faces numerous environmental challenges, including pollution, overfishing, and the impacts of climate change. Addressing these challenges requires concerted efforts and robust scientific research, areas where IOCINDIO plays a crucial role.

Collaborative Efforts

The work of IOCINDIO underscores the importance of international collaboration in addressing oceanographic issues. The committee’s efforts bring together diverse member states, fostering a collaborative approach to research and problem-solving. This collective effort is essential for developing effective strategies to protect and sustainably manage the Indian Ocean’s resources.


The Executive Council meeting of the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission in Paris was a testament to the significant achievements and future potential of IOCINDIO. Under the leadership of Rear Admiral Md. Khurshed Alam (Retd.), IOCINDIO has made remarkable strides in oceanographic research and collaboration. The elevation of the committee to a sub-commission marks a new chapter in its history, promising enhanced capabilities and greater impact. With continued support and collaboration among member states, IOCINDIO is well-positioned to address the pressing challenges of the Indian Ocean, contributing to a sustainable and resilient future for the region.

Audio Review - South Caucasus News

@mikenov: Recent Posts: Mr. Shvets seconded my thesis, FBI has enough grounds to investigate.… My Opinion: These episodes can be viewed as the “ACUTE Havana Syndrome”… Cognitive performance of candidates during the debate…

Recent Posts:
Mr. Shvets seconded my thesis, FBI has enough grounds to investigate.
My Opinion: These episodes can be viewed as the “ACUTE Havana Syndrome”
Cognitive performance of candidates during the debate…

— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) July 1, 2024

Audio Review - South Caucasus News

@mikenov:… Posts Review – TNT #NewsAndTimes #NT #TNT #News #Times #World #USA #POTUS #DOJ #FBI #CIA #DIA #ODNI #Israel #Mossad #Netanyahu #Ukraine #NewAbwehr #OSINT #Putin #Russia #GRU #Путин, #Россия #SouthCaucasus #Bloggers…
Posts Review – TNT#NewsAndTimes #NT #TNT #News #Times#World #USA #POTUS #DOJ #FBI #CIA #DIA #ODNI#Israel #Mossad #Netanyahu#Ukraine #NewAbwehr #OSINT#Putin #Russia #GRU #Путин, #Россия #SouthCaucasus #Bloggers

— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) July 1, 2024

South Caucasus News

@mikenov: Recent Posts: Mr. Shvets seconded my thesis, FBI has enough grounds to investigate.… My Opinion: These episodes can be viewed as the “ACUTE Havana Syndrome”… Cognitive performance of candidates during the debate…

Recent Posts:
Mr. Shvets seconded my thesis, FBI has enough grounds to investigate.
My Opinion: These episodes can be viewed as the “ACUTE Havana Syndrome”
Cognitive performance of candidates during the debate…

— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) July 1, 2024