South Caucasus News

Bob Menendez and Biden’s Cuba Policy – The American Prospect

Bob Menendez and Biden’s Cuba Policy  The American Prospect

South Caucasus News

Iran’s presidential candidates discuss foreign policy ahead of Friday’s vote – The National

Iran’s presidential candidates discuss foreign policy ahead of Friday’s vote  The National

South Caucasus News

Iran’s Khamenei urges ‘high participation’ in presidential vote – Yahoo News UK

Iran’s Khamenei urges ‘high participation’ in presidential vote  Yahoo News UK

South Caucasus News

Iran’s central bank unveils CryptoRial – Tehran Times

Iran’s central bank unveils CryptoRial  Tehran Times

South Caucasus News

Pakistan mulling over plans to set up shipping line with Iran: report – Tehran Times

Pakistan mulling over plans to set up shipping line with Iran: report  Tehran Times

Audio Review - South Caucasus News

China space probe returns with rare Moon rocks

China’s lunar probe has returned to Earth with the first ever samples from the Moon’s unexplored far side, the BBC reports.

The Chang’e-6 landed in the Inner Mongolia desert on Tuesday, after a nearly two-month long mission which was fraught with risks.

Scientists are eagerly awaiting the Chang’e-6 as the samples could answer key questions about how planets are formed.

China is the only country to have landed on the far side of the Moon, having done so before in 2019.

The far side – which faces away from Earth – is technically challenging to reach due to its distance, and its difficult terrain of giant craters and few flat surfaces.

Scientists are interested in this less-explored side as it is hoped it may contain traces of ice, which can be harvested for water, oxygen, and hydrogen.

The Chang’e-6 mission is a source of pride for a nation which has stepped up its missions to the Moon – drawing attention from its rival, the US.

State media showed officials planting the Chinese flag with a flourish just after the Chang’e-6 capsule landed in the desert of Inner Mongolia.

China’s President Xi Jinping has called to congratulate those at the command center of the Chang’e-6 mission.

Mr Xi said he hopes they can carry on exploring deep space and “reaching new heights in unravelling the mysteries of the universe… to benefit humanity and advance the nation”.

South Caucasus News

Economist: Armenia cannot hold simultaneous membership in two economic unions

South Caucasus News

Azerbaijan’s insurance market grows – AzerNews.Az

Azerbaijan’s insurance market grows  AzerNews.Az

South Caucasus News

Participants of Azerbaijan’s NGO cooperation forum address President Ilham Aliyev (PHOTO) – Trend News Agency

Participants of Azerbaijan’s NGO cooperation forum address President Ilham Aliyev (PHOTO)  Trend News Agency

South Caucasus News

ICESCO chief expresses great honor for attending forum in Azerbaijan’s Shusha – Trend News Agency

ICESCO chief expresses great honor for attending forum in Azerbaijan’s Shusha  Trend News Agency