South Caucasus News

Baku responds to Armenian MFA – Trend News Agency

Baku responds to Armenian MFA  Trend News Agency

South Caucasus News

Spain: Pro-Life Movement Suffers Setbacks

Spain: Pro-Life Movement Suffers Setbacks

Congress Members Spain Madrid Lions Columns Roman

By Nicolás de Cárdenas

The culture of life suffered two setbacks as the culture of death advanced again in Spain: The government is proposing to extend euthanasia to people with mental illness, while the Constitutional Court ruled in favor of abortion for minors 16 and over without parental knowledge.

According to the Diario Médico journal, the Spanish government’s Ministry of Health is going to modify the “Manual of Good Practices for Euthanasia” to include mental illnesses.

The draft of the planned change states that the Organic Law for the Regulation of Euthanasia “does not exclude mental illness, allowing people with an unbearable suffering due to the presence of a mental illness to request PAM [aid in dying] on ​​equal terms with those whose suffering comes from a bodily illness.”

Consequently, the government would apparently allow euthanasia for people with autism, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), schizophrenia, or those who are bipolar.

In addition, the Constitutional Court upheld a provision in a recently passed law that allows minors 16 years of age and older to abort their baby without the knowledge and permission of their parents.

The VOX political party had filed a challenge to the constitutionality of the;latest changes to the abortion law;made in February 2023.

This change in the law, in addition to allowing minors to make a decision of this magnitude without the involvement of their parents or legal guardians, establishes other anti-life measures.

Eliminated from the provisions of the previous law were the three-day waiting period after the initial appointment for an abortion and the practitioner’s obligation to provide complete information, which could include ultrasounds, alternatives to abortion, and the methods and risks involved in abortion.

Furthermore, the changes to the law now upheld by the Constitutional Court mandate that abortion be deleted from the patient’s medical history after five years.

VOX told Spanish media that the court’s ruling affects “millions of young women who are left helpless at a time when they are most vulnerable.” According to the political party, it is “a decision against the value of human life” that creates “the configuration of a society without a culture of life and that represents another attack on the family, parental authority, and the duty and right of parents to ensure the well-being of their children.”

Also in February 2023, the Constitutional Court dismissed an appeal against the abortion law passed in 2010. This was a decision surrounded by controversy due to accusations of lack of impartiality on the part of the judges since at least four of them had been involved in the legislative process for the law under appeal.

In response the Christian Lawyers Foundation filed a complaint with the European Court of Human Rights for prevarication against the president of the Constitutional Court, Cándido Conde-Pumpido.

This story;was first published;by ACI Prensa, CNA’s Spanish-language news partner. It has been translated and adapted by CNA.

South Caucasus News

New World, New Hope: The Struggle For A Free Western Sahara Continues – OpEd

New World, New Hope: The Struggle For A Free Western Sahara Continues – OpEd

Western Sahara Polisario Front troops. Photo by Saharauiak, Wikipedia Commons.

The Sahrawi freedom movement Polisario continues the armed struggle against Morocco, which uses Israeli spyware and lures the West with trade opportunities to turn a blind eye to the occupation of Western Sahara. Many Sahrawis see new hope in a new multipolar world order that is not dominated by the United States and the West.

Life under occupation is a constant struggle. This is continually expressed at the international media conference in a refugee camp in Western Sahara. The conference takes place from May 1–5 and is;organized;by the Sahrawi Union of Journalists and Writers (UPES).

Western Sahara is occupied by Morocco, a country where King Muhammad VI has;full control;over Morocco’s armed forces, judiciary, and all foreign policy.

In Western Sahara, the Moroccan monarchy violates the human rights of the Sahrawi people. Children suffer from malnutrition, journalists are thrown in prison, and international observers are denied access to the occupied territories.

Morocco’s colonization of Western Sahara has been going on since 1975; however, the occupation receives little attention from the international community. Through the occupation, Morocco offers trade opportunities to Western companies while the Moroccan intelligence service uses Israeli spyware to monitor the Sahrawis.

But the revolutionary Sahrawi freedom movement—Polisario Front—is not giving up: In 2020, Polisario resumed its armed struggle against Morocco. The Sahrawis hope that a new world order, not dominated by the West, will open up new possibilities in the fight for a free and independent Western Sahara.

Occupied Land

The media conference takes place in Wilayah of Bojador, one of five Sahrawi refugee camps located in Algeria on the border with Western Sahara. Algeria has given the area to Polisario, which administers the refugee camps.

Thus, you could say that Western Sahara is divided into three areas. There are the occupied territories of Western Sahara, where Morocco is in power. There are the liberated areas of Western Sahara, where Polisario is in power. And then there are the refugee camps in Algeria, where Polisario is also in power.

People may have traveled from all over the world to attend the media conference. However, it is the participants from the occupied territories of Western Sahara who receive the most acclaim at the opening of the various debates. This is due to the harsh living conditions in the occupied territories.

“Today, many children suffer from malnutrition due to the occupation,” says Buhubeini Yahya, head of the non-governmental organization (NGO) Sahrawi Red Crescent (SRC), which operates in the occupied territories.

Problems with malnutrition are partly due to the fact that Morocco currently blocks Polisario’s access to the occupied territories, making the freedom movement unable to deliver humanitarian assistance to the local population.

Journalists and Activists

Sahrawi journalists—who want to cover malnutrition among children in the occupied territories, for example—are doing a job that can cost them dearly.

Bhakha*, who works as a journalist in the territories, knows this.

“My colleagues and I are trying to expose Morocco’s crimes. But several have been arrested, some have received 27 years in prison,” Bhakha says from the stage.

“Moroccan police kidnap journalists and confiscate our phones and cameras. Media people are having their bank accounts blocked and our websites are being cyberattacked,” he continues.

Bhakha says that in the occupied territories, Morocco is cracking down on activists who organize demonstrations and speak out against the occupation. According to him, activists have been “thrown off tall buildings” as punishment for protesting.

“The Moroccan authorities have intensified their spate of violations against pro-independence Sahrawi activists through ill-treatment, arrests, detentions, and harassment in an attempt to silence or punish them,” the NGO;Amnesty International;wrote in 2021.

In eight months, Amnesty had recorded “seven cases of torture or other ill-treatment, three house raids, two de facto house arrests and nine cases of arrests, detentions and harassment of individuals in relation to their peaceful exercise of their freedom of expression and assembly.”

Tough Prisons

Sukina can’t hold back the tears. She is attending the media conference to talk about her brother Hussein, an activist from the occupied territories who has been thrown in prison for speaking out in favor of independence for Western Sahara.

“I find it very difficult to talk about how much my brother is suffering in prison,” says Sukina.

Next to Sukina is journalist Mustaffa, who himself was locked up in a Moroccan prison as a political prisoner because he reported on the Moroccan occupation. Mustaffa describes a harsh prison system where inmates live in “miserable conditions” with many diseases circulating.

According to;Prison Insider, a prison information platform, human rights organizations are concerned about Morocco’s “massive use of torture and ill-treatment of prisoners in Morocco and Western Sahara, where political prisoners are numerous and are particularly vulnerable.”

Sukina says that her family has to go through a lot to even see her brother Hussein in the Moroccan prison where he is being held. Just getting to the prison can take more than a day.

“The prison is many kilometers away from my family’s home. We have been forced to walk so far that my mother is now suffering from a kidney disease. There is nowhere near the prison where we can stay overnight. We have to go back and forth on the same day,” she says.

Sukina continues, “Once we get there, it is not at all certain that the Moroccan prison guards will even let us see my brother. They have rejected us several times with mocking remarks.”

“And when they do let us meet with Hussein, it is always too short a meeting [and] under the supervision of the prison guards. My brother is not allowed to say a word about the conditions in the prison,” Sukina sighs.

Money Talks

At the media conference in the refugee camp, many local participants express frustration that the international community generally turns a blind eye to Morocco’s occupation of Western Sahara.

According to several experts on stage, the lack of focus is due to Morocco offering Western companies access to natural resources and other commercial opportunities in the occupied territories.

Here, European companies are;involved—through imports, exports, or the provision of technical services—in phosphate mining, wind power projects, agriculture, and fishing.

The economic exploitation of Western Sahara without the consent of the Sahrawi people is in violation of international law. The Sahrawis have not accepted the economic activities in the occupied territories and do not receive a share of the profits.

In 2017, the Danish shipping companies Ultrabulk and Clipper were caught in a;political crossfire;when it emerged that the shipping companies were shipping cargo from occupied Western Sahara. Anders Samuelsen, then the Danish foreign minister from the neoliberal party Liberal Alliance, refused to intervene.

In this way, Western companies and governments are helping to maintain the Moroccan occupation of Western Sahara.

Connections to Israel

During the conference, there are repeated expressions of support for the Palestinians who are currently suffering from Israel’s genocide. All participants stand up and observe a minute of silence in solidarity with Palestine.

In this way, one occupied people shows solidarity with another. The Sahrawis and the Palestinians are fighting against their respective occupying powers, who are collaborating with each other.

In December 2020, a month before his presidential term expired, Donald Trump;declared;that the United States now considered all of Western Sahara to be part of Moroccan territory. This is one of the decisions that current U.S. President Joe Biden has chosen not to change.

In exchange for the declaration, the United States demanded that Morocco;establish diplomatic relations;with Israel. Today, Morocco recognizes Israel as a state and Israel recognizes Morocco’s sovereignty over Western Sahara.

It has also come to light that Morocco is using the Israeli spyware Pegasus to;spy on;Sahrawi human rights activists.

“Morocco uses Pegasus against all content related to Western Sahara,” says Hamada Salma, Minister of Information of Western Sahara.

Armed Struggle Resumed

Although most of the world ignores Morocco’s oppression of the Sahrawis, the Sahrawis have not given up.

In 2020, the revolutionary freedom movement Polisario decided to resume its armed struggle against Morocco.

This happened after Morocco broke a long-standing ceasefire dating back to 1991. The ceasefire between Polisario and Morocco was initiated by the UN.

The ceasefire was based on an agreement that the UN would organize a referendum where the Sahrawis would vote on whether they wanted an independent Western Sahara or a Western Sahara integrated into Morocco.

Twenty-nine years later, the referendum had not materialized. And when Morocco broke the ceasefire on November 13, 2020, by;launching a military mission;against peaceful protesters, Polisario decided to resume the armed struggle.

During the media conference, Polisario soldier Barak Mamir talks about the armed resistance against Morocco. In different regions, the Polisario is attacking Moroccan forces along the “Wall of Shame,” a 2,700-kilometer fortification built by Morocco across Western Sahara.

“Since November 13, 2020, we have carried out a total of 3,500 attacks,” says Barak Mamir.

Affecting the Economy

According to Barak Mamir, Polisario’s attacks against Morocco’s military have had a significant effect on the Moroccan economy.

“As a result of our attacks, Morocco has been forced to double its military budget. This means that the price of basic necessities for the average Moroccan has increased significantly,” he says.

In 2023, the pan-African news network Africanews reported that the price of vegetables in Moroccan markets was “almost as expensive as in some French supermarkets,” even though the minimum wage in France was five times higher than in Morocco.

“The Moroccan regime is doing everything it can to keep the cost of the conflict out of the public eye,” says Barak Mimir from the stage.

This also applies when Moroccan soldiers fall in battle.

Fighting for Freedom

“When a family in Morocco is informed that their son has been killed in action, they are told not to post anything about it on social media,” says Barak Mimir.

According to him, several Moroccan soldiers have also been prosecuted for choosing to flee instead of fighting the Polisario. Dozens of Moroccan soldiers have even;left the military;in opposition to the Moroccan monarchy.

This has happened even though the Moroccan military is armed with state-of-the-art military technology such as drones.

A Polisario soldier explains that there are significant differences between Moroccan and Sahrawi soldiers:

“The soldiers from Western Sahara know the country, and we fight for the freedom of our people. Moroccan soldiers, on the other hand, have not chosen to fight but have been forced to do so as part of their job.”

According to the soldier, this is one of the reasons why Polisario has managed to break through the Wall of Shame, which is divided into a series of lines: barbed wire, dogs, a moat, the wall itself, 150,000 soldiers and 8 million landmines.

In one of the refugee camps is the Museum of Resistance, where visitors can see several of the tanks, artillery systems, and other weapons that Polisario soldiers have managed to take from the Moroccan army after breaking through the wall.

New World, New Hope

But for a revolutionary freedom movement, fighting against a Moroccan military power armed with modern weapons that have primarily been produced in the West is no walk in the park. Many Sahrawis have fallen in battle.

It’s not that the Sahrawis want war either. The goal is to be able to live in an independent and peaceful Western Sahara, it is repeated several times at the media conference.

The new multipolar world order, where non-Western powers have more and more say, is seen by several participants at the conference as a positive development that can open the door for the liberation of Western Sahara.

Morocco has historically benefited from the unipolar world order, which for decades after the end of the Cold War in 1991 was dominated by the United States. This allowed Morocco to occupy Western Sahara without consequences.

But now a new world order is emerging, and it is making its presence felt in Western Sahara’s neighborhood. Countries like Niger, Mali, and Burkina Faso have thrown out Western soldiers from the United States and France, respectively, to strengthen cooperation with Russia.

“New powers are emerging, more different countries are rising up. The multipolar world, where the U.S. does not dominate, will strengthen Western Sahara’s struggle for liberation,” says Syrian Mahmoud Al-Saleh, chairman of the Arab Committee of Solidarity with the Sahrawi People.

A Sahrawi journalist says that Polisario’s struggle against the Moroccan occupation is receiving better coverage in non-Western media such as Russia Today, a state-owned Russian media that is also participating in this media conference.

“There is a long way to go before the international community becomes objective. If you only had access to Western media, the world would see us as terrorists,” says the journalist.

*Disclaimer: Some conference participants are referred to by first name only and names in the article may not be spelled correctly.

  • About the author: Marc B. Sanganee is editor-in-chief of Arbejderen, an online newspaper in Denmark.
  • Source: This article was produced by Globetrotter.

South Caucasus News

Secretary General Praises Canada’s NATO Contributions In Visit To Ottawa

Secretary General Praises Canada’s NATO Contributions In Visit To Ottawa

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg visits Ottawa. Photo Credit: NATO

Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg visited Ottawa on Wednesday (19 June 2024) to meet with Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and discuss final preparations for the Washington Summit in July.;

The Secretary General delivered a speech at an event hosted by the NATO Association of Canada and the Canadian NATO Parliamentary Association. He praised Canada for its role in strengthening NATO’s deterrence and defence, including in Latvia, where Canadian troops lead a multinational battlegroup. He also paid tribute to the Canadian armed forces for their commitment, skill, and professionalism and welcomed Canada’s indispensable support in the face of Russia’s aggression, noting Canada has provided “billions of dollars in aid to Ukraine including air defence systems, battle tanks, and F-16 pilot training.” He underscored that strong support to Ukraine will be “the most urgent” priority for the Washington Summit.

Mr Stoltenberg welcomed that Canada is increasing defence spending, “and will add billions over the coming years, including by purchasing high end new capabilities, modernising NORAD, and by investing in fifth generation F35 aircraft.” He added: ;”I continue to expect that all Allies SHOULD meet the guidelines of spending two percent. I know that this is not always easy … but when we reduce defence spending when tensions are going down, we must be able to increase spending, investments in our security, when tensions are increasing and are high as they are today.”

Canada has long prioritised global partnerships and the Secretary General highlighted these as another priority for the Alliance ahead of its 75th anniversary Summit. “The war in Ukraine demonstrates that our security is not regional, our security is global,” he emphasised, adding that “the growing alignment between Russia and its authoritarian friends in Asia makes it even more important that we work closely with our friends in the Indo-Pacific.”

At the event, the Secretary General was presented with the Louis St. Laurent Award for his “outstanding service to peace and security”. The honour is named for Canadian Prime Minister Louis St. Laurent, who was premier at the time of NATO’s founding in 1949, and a strong proponent of the Alliance.

South Caucasus News

Vladimir Putin’s China Visit: Explaining Limitless Friendship – OpEd

Vladimir Putin’s China Visit: Explaining Limitless Friendship – OpEd

President of the People’s Republic of China Xi Jinping with President of Russia Vladimir Putin. Photo Credit:

The wheels of history took a 360-degree turn to witness Russia and China’s friendship, which existed during the turbulent initial years of the Cold War. Recently, increasing China-Russia proximity has marked the advent of a new axis in international politics. 

The origin of this axis has its roots in the Russian invasion of Crimea in 2014. The annexation of Crimea by Russia was vehemently criticised by the Western world. With a strong and powerful Russia on board, was construed as the beginning of a new Cold War era. China, with its anti-western rhetoric, soon became an ally of Russia, hence, a new geo-strategic equation came to the fore of the world stage. The two largest and most powerful authoritarian regimes joined hands to call for a new international order based on the principles of the UNO Charter of equality, international law, and justice. They openly discard the present International Order, dominated by the US and its western allies, which according to them, is discriminatory, unequal, and does not represent the voice of all.

The recent Russian President’s China visit on May 16 and 17, 2024, is an attempt to reinvigorate ties with China. The visit was his first foreign trip since he began his fifth term as president in March 2024. Putin has visited China 19 times since he took charge of affairs in 2000 and overall more than 40 meetings to their credit. This year, Russia and China are also celebrating the 75th anniversary of the establishment of bilateral relations. “No limits friendship” and “Russian and Chinese are brothers forever” are the slogans to mark the recent bonhomie in bilateral relations. Their shared opposition to the US-led world order has given the two countries a chance;to coalesce and emerge as a new power bloc in the global arena.

The bilateral relationship seems to be deeper than the sea and higher than a mountain and is evident by the statements of the top leadership. During the two-day meeting, the Chinese president welcomed Putin at his official residence, Zhongnanhai, which was an honour granted to very few foreign leaders including the former President of the USA, Barack Obama.; Myriad agreements pertaining to boosting bilateral trade, increasing the level of investment, the Declaration on Comprehensive Partnership, expanding military drills, and exporting Russian natural gas and energy to China were signed.; Russia has been witnessing isolation in the international arena ever since it attacked Ukraine in February 2022 and was hit;hard by numerous sanctions imposed by western countries. China has not condemned Russian aggression on Ukraine but emerged as a pillar of support for Russia during its tough times. China has imported a huge amount of oil and natural gas from Russia, leading to bilateral trade reaching a whopping $240 billion in 2023, an all-time high for the two countries. Russia grew to become the fourth-largest trading partner of China, while China remains the largest trading partner for Russia. Talks are also underway to sign the ambitious Siberia 2 project, which would further enhance Chinese imports of Russian oil and natural gas from Siberia.

;President Putin also visited the Chinese north-eastern city of Harbin, which is also known as “Little Russia,” as Russian soldiers fought the Japanese army during World War II to protect China’s north-eastern border from Japanese attack. President Putin laid floral tribute to martyred soldiers there. He took an opportunity to inaugurate the China-Russia trade expo to further boost bilateral trade ties. He also visited the Harbin Institute of Technology, which is linked directly to the Chinese security and defence industries, implying closer Russia-China defence cooperation. It is to be noted that the US has imposed sanctions on HIT owing to its alleged “Chinese military ties.”

Russia has relied heavily on Chinese support since the outbreak of the Russia-Ukraine war in February 2022. China, in turn, has not criticised the Russian attack on Ukraine and has managed to help Russia by providing dual use machine tools and equipment necessary to produce weapons, especially drones and tanks. During the Chinese President’s Europe visit at the beginning of May 2024, French President Macron and EU Commissioner Ursula Von Dyer warned him to refrain from supplying dual-use technology to Russia. US foreign minister Blinken has labelled China the ‘top supplier’ of dual-use items to Russia with 70 percent machine tools and 90 percent electronic equipment, thus helping Russia to produce more weapons. The recent Carnegie endowment report says that China is granting $300 million of dual use technology to Russia every month. One more report from the London based Royal United Services Institute for Defence and Security says that Chinese are also helping by providing satellite images so as to strengthen Russian position in the battleground. This could have serious implications when the Russian president repeatedly threatens to use nuclear weapons.; Having; been badly affected by the sanctions and boycott, Russia is exporting a huge amount of oil and natural gas to China, and trade between the two countries is taking place in Ruble and Renminbi, undermining the dollar, which is the joint strategy to break the dollar monopoly.

Russia has also expressed its support for China’s 12-point peace proposal to end the conflict. More recently, Russia has also stated its willingness to end the war and come to the negotiation table. Kyiv and other western capitals had called on China to use its influence on Russia to help stop the war. China will have to play a big role in finding a political solution to the crisis. It is also trying to balance its strategic ties with Moscow and avoiding confrontation with the West amid fear of fresh US sanctions. China has no option except to adopt a moderate posture in order to procure succour from the west to revive its ailing economy.;

The Russia-China axis is the combination of two powerful authoritarian regimes, which also enjoy the support of other such regimes like North Korea and Iran. The emergence of this new axis brings new challenges to the world podium. The world is already passing through a difficult phase with the Russia-Ukraine war and the Palestine-Israel conflict. The outer space arms race is another important development among the US, Russia, and China that may have catastrophic outcomes. China and Russia are planning to establish nuclear power plants on the moon and endeavouring to jointly unfurl flags on Mars. China alleged that the USA has placed missiles in outer space, while Russia recently, vetoed a UN resolution to prevent placing nuclear weapons in space, citing reason to ban all kinds of weapons in space. All this reminds us of the age of uncertainty, leading to a question in mind, where is the world going? The world does not seem to be in a safe zone, at least for the moment.

South Caucasus News

Israel Should Be Banned From Olympics Just Like Russia – OpEd

Israel Should Be Banned From Olympics Just Like Russia – OpEd

olympics globe

Russia and Belarus have both been banned from participating in the 2024 Paris Summer Olympics because of their involvement in the war on Ukraine. So why is Israel not being banned as well?

Israel’s military is engaged in one of the worst attacks on a civilian population since the Second World War, with more than 37,000 Palestinians killed in the Gaza Strip. And we only have Israel’s word that many of those killed were members of Hamas, the militant group that launched a violent attack against Israel, killing about 1,200 people, on Oct. 7, 2023.

In the first two years following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, more than 30,000 Ukrainians were killed or wounded.

There are actually more specific details on how Ukrainians are being killed by Russia than there are on Israel’s reckless military bombardment of nearly every city in the Gaza Strip. The details of the violence against Ukraine is so specific that humanitarian and aid organizations have pinned down the casualty rate to 42 civilians every day.

More than 87 percent of the Ukrainians killed, or 9,241 people, were casualties of explosive weapons. More than 5.9 million people have been forced to flee Ukraine to other countries and about 4 million are displaced within Ukraine.

In Gaza, nearly 85 percent of the population of 2.3 million have been forced from their homes and are constantly seeking shelter. Israel not only fires missiles into the imprisoned land mass, but it has also sent tanks, troops and snipers into the area, killing targets as they move from Beit Lahia in the north to Rafah in the south.

The host of this year’s Olympics, France, is divided on the Israeli invasion and the government has taken action to oppose a rise in antisemitism. French President Emmanuel Macron has also offered consoling words to Muslims.

Why has the International Olympic Committee not taken action to curtail or prohibit Israel’s participation in the Olympics? If the international rule of law and the West’s supposed opposition to the killing of civilians had any meaning, Israel would be banned.

The problem is that, when it comes to the Middle East, the West has always cared less about the suffering of Arabs and Muslims than the suffering of non-Arabs and non-Muslims. It is that racist and Islamophobic attitude, which is driven by ugly historical stereotypes that date back to the Crusades of almost 1,000 years ago, that allows the West to be concerned for Ukraine and angry with Russia, while being unconcerned about Arabs in Gaza and throughout the Middle East and accepting of Israel.

Israel largely controls the media narrative of the war, falsely asserting that the violence began on Oct. 7. The Western news media has generally championed that narrative, carrying water for Israel.

Meanwhile, Israel has engaged in a war not only against Hamas, but also against independent, mainly Arab journalists, killing more than 100 of those who have been reporting on the war from Gaza and who have not been embedded with Israel’s military, which censors and controls content.

The violence by Israel before the Oct. 7 Hamas attack was excessive but underreported by the Western news media. The truth is that the Israeli carnage against Palestinians began long before the foundation of Hamas, which has its roots in an Israeli effort to undermine the rise of secular Palestinian nationalism in the 1970s.

Israeli military censorship in both Gaza and the West Bank since the start of the occupation in 1967 means it is tough to know the exact number of Palestinians who have been killed, as well as the extent of the land theft that continues to take place in order to build and expand Jewish-only settlements.

Estimates of the number of Palestinians killed in 2023 before Oct. 7 range from 175 to 230, while in 2022 it was between 250 and 400. B’Tselem, the Israeli human rights organization, tries to maintain its own list but, several years ago, Israel’s government cracked down on such humanitarian and human rights groups.

In 2021, B’Tselem carried out exhaustive research and detailed its findings in a document that concluded that Israel was carrying out apartheid policies that discriminated against non-Jews.

Months later, Israel’s government declared six prominent Palestinian human rights groups to be “terrorist organizations,” curbing their ability to document Israel’s human rights abuses and its military and police violence against non-Jews.

However, following the Hamas attack, with Palestinian organizations silenced by Israel’s restrictive policies and threats, B’Tselem documented how Israel’s invasion of Gaza was emphasizing violence against civilians.

Despite Israel’s efforts to cloak its violence and focus on Hamas’ violence, along with its efforts to censor any media outlet that does not embrace its propaganda, including by targeting and killing independent journalists, there is more than enough evidence to show that Israel is a greater threat to civilians in Gaza than Russia is to civilians in Ukraine.

If the International Olympic Committee had a conscience, it would immediately block Israel from participating in Paris, along with all nations that engage in excessive and unrestricted violence against civilians. On the other hand, if Israel is allowed to compete in the 2024 Olympics, Russia and Belarus should be allowed to compete as well.

South Caucasus News

@SouthCaucasus: Bagrat Galstanyan at a press conference / “We won’t leave the streets in the coming months,” – leader of the protest movement in Armenia. via ⁦@JAMnewsCaucasus⁩

Bagrat Galstanyan at a press conference / “We won’t leave the streets in the coming months,” – leader of the protest movement in Armenia. via ⁦@JAMnewsCaucasus

— Notes from Georgia/South Caucasus (Hälbig, Ralph) (@SouthCaucasus) June 19, 2024

South Caucasus News

@SouthCaucasus: #Georgia probing closer ties with #Iran. Are tighter ties with Tehran part of a geopolitical pivot? By Brawley Benson via ⁦@eurasianet⁩

#Georgia probing closer ties with #Iran. Are tighter ties with Tehran part of a geopolitical pivot? By Brawley Benson via ⁦@eurasianet

— Notes from Georgia/South Caucasus (Hälbig, Ralph) (@SouthCaucasus) June 19, 2024

South Caucasus News

SouthCaucasus: Paweł Herczyńsky: Adoption of Foreign Agents Law Has Frozen #Georgia’s EU Integration. via ⁦@CivilGe⁩

Paweł Herczyńsky: Adoption of Foreign Agents Law Has Frozen #Georgia’s EU Integration. via ⁦@CivilGe

— Notes from Georgia/South Caucasus (Hälbig, Ralph) (@SouthCaucasus) June 19, 2024

South Caucasus News

SouthCaucasus: Zwischen Kriegs- und Putschgefahr: Wer ist Armeniens Ministerpräsident Nikol Paschinjan – und was hat er vor? Von Eva Fischer via ⁦@Tagesspiegel⁩

Zwischen Kriegs- und Putschgefahr: Wer ist Armeniens Ministerpräsident Nikol Paschinjan – und was hat er vor? Von Eva Fischer via ⁦@Tagesspiegel

— Notes from Georgia/South Caucasus (Hälbig, Ralph) (@SouthCaucasus) June 19, 2024