Audio Review - South Caucasus News

North Korea’s Kim Hails Russia Alliance, Promises Putin Support On Ukraine

North Korea’s Kim Hails Russia Alliance, Promises Putin Support On Ukraine

Russia's President Vladimir Putin officially welcomed by Chairman of State Affairs of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea Kim Jong-un. Photo Credit:

By Taejun Kang

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un hailed a “new, high level of alliance” with Russia on Wednesday as he promised President Vladimir Putin full support for his war in Ukraine, media reported.

Putin, on his first visit to isolated North Korea in 24 years, said after one-on-one talks with Kim that lasted for about two hours that a new comprehensive strategic partnership pact would form the basis of relations for years to come, said a correspondent from Russia’s RIA Novosti news agency.

Kim said the pact signed by the two leaders was historic and he reaffirmed “full support and firm solidarity with the Russian government, armed forces and people in their struggle to defend their sovereignty, security interests and territorial integrity in Ukraine,” according to a video of summit remarks released by media outlets.

“In the future, we will continue to strengthen and deepen strategic communication with the Russian leadership and Russia and unconditionally support all of Russia’s policies, regardless of the complex international situation,” Kim said.

Kim said relations were “at an all-time high, unparalleled even in the past relations with the Soviet Union,” adding that he was confident Putin’s visit would “further solidify the friendship and people-to-people foundation of the two countries.”

Putin thanked Kim saying he appreciated North Korea’s support.

“We very much appreciate your systematic and permanent support of Russian policy, including on the Ukrainian issue,” Russian media quoted Putin as telling Kim at the start of their meeting, AFP reported.;

The;United States says that North Korea has supplied Russia;with large amounts of weapons for its war in Ukraine, in particular artillery rounds and ballistic missiles, although both Russia and North Korea deny that.

In exchange for its weapons, North Korea is suspected of getting Russian technological assistance for its space program.;

In May, the North’s attempt to launch a military spy satellite ended in failure with the rocket exploding on liftoff. But in November last year, North Korea successfully placed a spy satellite into orbit, and it had planned to launch three more satellites in 2024.

Earlier on Wednesday, the two leaders attended; a welcome ceremony at Pyongyang’s massive Kim Il Sung Square, complete with an honor guard and rows of North Korean citizens with balloons. Buildings around the square were bedecked with the countries’; flags and huge portraits of the two men, pictures in Russian state media showed.

Crowds in red, white and blue shirts waved flowers and flags as the two leaders passed by, standing in an open-top limousine.

‘Solid friendship’

Both Russia and North Korea are facing wide-ranging sanctions, the former for its invasion of Ukraine and the latter for its development of nuclear bombs and the missiles to deliver them around the world.

In an apparent reference to the sanctions, Putin, in a commentary published on the eve of his visit in North Korea’s state-run Rodong Sinmun newspaper, called for unity in resisting “illegal and unilateral restrictions”, while vowing to build alternative systems for trade and settlements with North Korea out of the control of the West.

Kim said bilateral ties were “entering their best period ever,” calling Putin’s visit “the most significant strategic step for world peace and security.”

“The government of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea appreciates the important mission and role of the powerful Russian Federation in maintaining strategic stability and balance in the world,” Kim said.

The Russian leader added that he was confident of the success of his talks with Kim and extended an invitation for the next North Korea-Russia summit to take place in Moscow.

“Russia and North Korea have been tied for several decades by a solid friendship and close neighborhood [relations],” said Putin who heralded bilateral cooperation “based on the principles of equality and mutual respect of interests.”

It is Putin’s first trip to North Korea since July 2000, when he met the then leader, Kim Jong-il, the late father of the current leader. It also comes nine months after Kim traveled to Russia’s Far East for a summit with Putin.

The rare visit by a foreign leader to North Korea and boosts a relationship that offers Pyongyang an alternative to its close ties to Beijing, analysts say.

North Korea and the former Soviet Union signed a treaty of friendship and mutual assistance in 1961 which included a provision for so-called automatic military intervention, under which if one side is under armed attack, the other provides troops and other aid without hesitation.

North Korea and Russia signed a new treaty of bilateral ties in 2000, but it did not contain such a provision as it centered on economic, scientific and cultural cooperation.

Experts said the two leaders could discuss; North Korean workers going to Russia. The North is desperate for foreign currency due to the international sanctions, while Russia has been facing a labor shortage exacerbated by the war in Ukraine.

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@mikenov: Hallelujah! Praise the Lord! The real Mr. Kalika is happily found! Now you will know him when you see him! Remarkable achievement of transparency in Brooklyn Condo Life! #NewsAndTimes #NT #TNT #News #Times #World #USA #DOJ #FBI…
Hallelujah! Praise the Lord! The real Mr. Kalika is happily found! Now you will know him when you see him! Remarkable achievement of transparency in Brooklyn Condo Life! #NewsAndTimes #NT #TNT #News #Times#World #USA #DOJ

— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) June 19, 2024

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@mikenov: #2900OceanCondo The real Mr. Kalika is happily found! The Annual meeting of 6.12.24 – Report and Updates

The real Mr. Kalika is happily found! The Annual meeting of 6.12.24 – Report and Updates

— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) June 19, 2024

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@mikenov: Hallelujah! Praise the Lord! The real Mr. Kalika is happily found! Now you will know him when you see him! Remarkable achievement of transparency in Brooklyn Condo Life! #NewsAndTimes #NT #TNT #News #Times #World #USA #DOJ #FBI…

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@mikenov: #2900OceanCondo The real Mr. Kalika is happily found! The Annual meeting of 6.12.24 – Report and Updates

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Bagrat Galstanyan at a press conference – JAMnews

Bagrat Galstanyan at a press conference  JAMnews

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The real Mr. Kalika is happily found! The Annual meeting of 6.12.24 – Report and Updates

Who is Roman Kalika? | Violations: This owner/manager has a total of 81  violations which is 3.37 violations per unit for their entire portfolio.  That is worse than the city average, whichWho is Roman Kalika? | Violations: This owner/manager has a total of 81  violations which is 3.37 violations per unit for their entire portfolio.  That is worse than the city average, which

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The real Mr. Kalika is happily found! The Annual meeting of 6.12.24 – Report and Updates – LINK TO POST

Dear Mr. Kalika: This is the Currently UPDATED Post, for your information and attention. Sincerely, Michael Novakhov. 6.18.24 

P.S. You may also respond in writing, if you so wish. – Copy of the Sent Email. 

The real Mr. Kalika is happily found! But why was he so mysteriously lost?

The Annual meeting of 6.12.24 – Report and Updates

Годовое собрание от 12 Июня, 2024 г. – Отчёт и Дополнения

The Annual meeting of 6.12.24

The meeting was held, with no quorum, and the elections were not held. 

The Financial Statement was not ready and will be mailed in 2 weeks, as per Mr. Kalika. 

It transpired that the person who claimed to be Mr. Kalika, the head of the Dependable Pro Management, at the last Annual meeting of March 22, 2023, (and with the false introduction by Grace Bishop), actually was not Mr. Kalika but one of his accountants, apparently chosen for this role for his deep voice and the imposing, authoritarian demeanor. 

Now, hopefully, we deal with the real Mr. Kalika. He was again introduced by Grace Bishop, without any explanations of her mistake and this discrepancy, which proves once more that she is the blatant liar, bullshitter, and the psychopath. 

I would like to remind everyone that impersonating the officer in his official capacity is illegal, and it is the criminal offense. 

In plain English, they take you for idiots, guys! 

In plain Russian: Они берут вас за ЛОХОВ!

The similar situation is with Al Rutigliano, Grace Bishop’s common law husband. He does not own any shares in this condo, nevertheless he was on the Condo Board. This is also illegal and the practice of Nepotism. According to the rules common for all Condos, the members of the same household are prohibited from serving on the same condo Board. The problem with Al was that he imagined himself a little Mafia Boss, and he tried to rule the roost, on behalf of his wife Grace, via his ENFORCER, super Ray, by instructing him to be rude and insulting to people, so he could insert himself as the middle man. Both of them were warned. 

The atmosphere of lies and deceits pervades the whole behavior and the style, the modus operandi of Grace Bishop and the people around her, including the Dependable Pro and the Super, all of whom rob this Condo of the services it deserves, and MILK IT SHAMELESSLY for their own purposes and benefits, as it was described by me in the previous posts, and will be described again, in details, in the future. 

And this continuous robbery results in the chronic state of disrepairs, with the ceilings falling on people’ heads at the regular intervals. The review of this subject as addressed in the previous posts, suggest that the main reason are the continuous leaks; in the winter from the heating system, and in the summer from the incorrectly installed air conditioners. And the reason for continuous leaks is that they are hidden inside the building structures, they are not watched for, and are not fixed in time. People do not want to deal with a super (“Ray”), who is arrogant, rude, and insulting  to people, demands the exorbitant tips, and with all that is incompetent, and does the shoddy work. People do not want to bother with him. The super and his family are more interested in free apartment than taking the adequate care of the building. The problem is not that they are the Muslim family, the problem is that their pattern of work fits with the very well known pattern and style of other supers of the Albanian or Balkanian descent. This is the primitive peasant mentality. They want to extract for themselves everything they can and more, seeing this building as their property, while working as little as possible. With this super and his work, this building will always have problems and will continue to be in the state of disrepairs. In my opinion, this super ABSOLUTELY has to be changed.  Some owners, in our private discussions, questioned the need for the free apartment as the part of the package. This issue has to be considered and discussed at the general meeting. 

Some owners who are better familiar with the situation, told me that Super Ray has another, second job or that he works for his own business, has a big house upstate, and is in fact, a “millionaire”. Be it all as it may, it is clear that he is more interested in his free apartment and his tips than in honest work. Apparently, Grace Bishop is connected with him by some family ties, and this is the explanation of his super-favourable, special treatment. The kickbacks to the Dependable Pro from him are also quite possible, and even likely. It is also possible that this gang benefits financially from the illegal management of the short term rentals, the issue that is not addressed in the Bylaws but it is active and in the front of the current agenda. 

The meeting was rather brief and we did not get to discuss this issue and the issue of Grace Bishop’ fitness to be elected, in the light of her crazy and brazen behavior and the attacks on others (see police report). These subjects should be discussed next time, hopefully. 

My question at this meeting: “WHY DO CEILINGS FALL IN THIS BUILDING?” was left unanswered, and the meeting was closed in panic by Grace Bishop after I asked this question. 

My opinion is that the group that calls itself the “Board” is completely fictitious and illegitimate. They have absolutely no proofs, including the documentation, to show what they claim. I think that this group of pretenders and imposters is detrimental to this building and to the financial interests of the unit  owners. 

I think, that they also will carry the CRIMINAL RESPONSIBILITY if the falling ceilings kill or injure someone. We should not wait for it to happen. 

We need the adequate Election, and the adequate, well functioning Board. Presently we do not have a Board, neither in the legal nor in the administrative sense. 

The details and the Report on Financial Statement will follow later. 

At mean time, I request from the current “Board” and  “Dependable Pro” the following information, which they have to give us by law. 

  1. The most current Master List of Owners. 
  2. Minutes of the last two annual meetings, of 2023 and 2024, and the lists of attendees for each of the meetings in 2023 and 2024, and the history of the previous meetings in chronological order for the last 35 years or during the total term  of service of Grace Bishop, whichever is longer. 
  3. The list of the current “Board Members”, as they presented themselves at the meeting of 2024, and any other members, including the non-owners of the Condo shares.
  4. The plan for the Election of the New Board

I hope, that now, when the real Mr. Kalika was so happily and unexpectedly found, he will be able to deal with the issues and problems. I will summarize them briefly:

1. Change the super Ray ASAP!

2. Confirm the disqualification of Grace Bishop for election to the Board, according to the Bylaws.

3. Hold the general owners meetings monthly, if needed, and elect the new Board which will be able to function adequately. Also consider the electronic voting online and by mail. Make the voting process easier, not harder.

These problems will not disappear by themselves if you do not solve them. 

We do have the instruments at our disposal to affect the needed changes. We should consider the NONPAYMENT of the common charges AS THE GROUP, to pressure the management Co. In this case, they will start singing a different song very fast. I urge Mr. Kalika to pay attention. 

Mr. Kalika, his management Co, his Super, and his corrupt puppet “chairwoman” Bishop work at the pleasure of the shareholders, and these people can be fired at any moment without any particular reason or explanation, simply because their work is not seen as satisfactory by the shareholders.

And in my opinion, they should be fired and referred to the Criminal Prosecution for Negligence and other violations and offenses! 
I intend to sue Grace Bishop for the attempted murder: that what spitting on another person in the times of COVID is.
I also intend to sue the Dependable Pro for fraud: impersonating the head of the company by another person with the purpose to mislead and to deceive the shareholders. 

I plan to call the owners on the phone, to meet them personally, and to continue working on these issues. Have a good Summer!

Michael Novakhov 

6.15.24 | Updates: 6.15 – 6.17 – 6.19.24

The News And Times Information Network – Blogs By Michael Novakhov –

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AP Headline News – Jun 19 2024 18:00 (EDT)


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