South Caucasus News

Боррель: Очевидно, что правительство Грузии отходит от европейского пути

Правительство Грузии отходит от европейского пути, об этом верховный представитель Евросоюза по иностранным делам и политике безопасности Жозеп Боррель заявил журналистам в Брюсселе, до начала Совета иностранных дел ЕС. «Очевидно, что правительство Грузии отходит от европейского пути, и министры должны решить, как им действовать. На повестке дня стоит вопрос Грузии. Это первоначальная оценка текущей ситуации […]

South Caucasus News

Народный защитник призвал не преодолевать вето президента

Народный защитник Леван Иоселиани призывал Парламент Грузии не преодолевать вето президента наложенное на «российский» закон. Об этом он заявил во время обсуждения закона в Комитете по юридическим вопросам. «Принятие этого закона в таком виде, на мой взгляд, уже нанесло существенный ущерб всему процессу в целом, поэтому сегодня возможно, что бы парламент отказался преодолевать это вето […]

South Caucasus News

Over 190 people detained during protest in Yerevan

A total of 67 protesters in Yerevan were detained, Report informs via Sputnik Armenia.

South Caucasus News

Azerbaijan MFA: France’s Provocations Will Not Go Unanswered – Aze.Media – Aze Media

Azerbaijan MFA: France’s Provocations Will Not Go Unanswered – Aze.Media  Aze Media

South Caucasus News

Historical Declaration: Basis of statehood of Azerbaijan – AzerNews.Az

Historical Declaration: Basis of statehood of Azerbaijan  AzerNews.Az

South Caucasus News

Azerbaijan discloses total trade turnover with Turkmenistan – AzerNews.Az

Azerbaijan discloses total trade turnover with Turkmenistan  AzerNews.Az

South Caucasus News

Azerbaijan Institute of Standardization currently enhancing its capacity – official – Trend News Agency

Azerbaijan Institute of Standardization currently enhancing its capacity – official  Trend News Agency

South Caucasus News

Scooterists to be included in traffic rules

On 25 May, an accident occurred in the Seaside National Park. A female scooterist travelling at high speed fell down and received a severe head injury. Passers-by called an ambulance crew, the girl was taken to hospital. As later informed the management of the boulevard, the girl rode on the…

South Caucasus News

Exploring deposits in key economic regions: Azerbaijan leverages natural resources for prosperity

Back in the Soviet era, Azerbaijan, with its fame as an oil and gas country in the South Caucasus region, has for a long time been deprived of some of its natural resources, according to Azerbaijan in Focus, reporting Azernews. The reason for this was that more than twenty percent of the territories of Azerbaijan remained under the occupation of Armenia. These fertile lands, rich in oil and gas on the one hand, and natural underground resources on the other, opened the way to greater prospects after the Patriotic War in 2020.

Thus, Azerbaijan is poised to embark on a significant geological exploration project aimed at detecting both ore and non-ore deposits across four of its key economic regions. This initiative, spearheaded by the Geological Exploration Agency under the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources, marks a strategic effort to enhance the country’s mineral resource base, potentially driving economic growth and development.

The exploration activities will be focused on the Eastern Zangazur, Garabagh, Gazakh-Tovuz, and Ganja-Dashkasan economic regions. These areas have been identified for their geological potential, and the project will involve advanced geophysical and geochemical surveying techniques. Hyperspectral and remote sensing methods will be employed to map anomalies, which are crucial for identifying promising mineral deposits.

An investment of 4.37 million manats has been allocated for this extensive exploration work. This substantial financial commitment underscores the importance placed on mineral exploration by the Azerbaijani government. The integration of the new data into existing geological and metallogenic maps will facilitate the creation of a comprehensive hybrid map of geological conditions. Such a map will be instrumental for future exploration and mining activities, providing a detailed understanding of the region’s mineral wealth.

A detailed catalog of the research polygons will be compiled, documenting vital information such as coordinates, areas, dimensions, characteristic changes, and geological bases of these polygons. This meticulous record-keeping will not only aid in the current exploration but will also serve as a reference for future geological studies. Additionally, alternative exploration areas will be identified based on the findings, ensuring a continuous and systematic approach to mineral exploration.

The economic implications of this project are far-reaching. The discovery of new mineral deposits could lead to the development of new mining operations, attracting both domestic and international investment. This, in turn, would create job opportunities, boost local economies, and increase the country’s export revenues. Furthermore, enhanced geological data can improve the efficiency and sustainability of mining activities, minimizing environmental impact while maximizing economic returns.

Azerbaijan’s initiative to explore ore and non-ore deposits in its key economic regions represents a forward-thinking approach to leveraging natural resources for economic development. The combination of substantial financial investment, advanced technological methods, and strategic planning underscores the potential for significant economic gains. As the project progresses, it will be closely watched by industry stakeholders, investors, and policymakers, all keen to see how Azerbaijan capitalizes on its geological potential to foster economic growth and development.

The post Exploring deposits in key economic regions: Azerbaijan leverages natural resources for prosperity appeared first on Azerbaijan In Focus.

South Caucasus News

Ian Borg: Securing sustainable peace between Azerbaijan, Armenia remains OSCE’s main goal

The Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) will continue to focus on achieving comprehensive and sustainable peace between Azerbaijan and Armenia, OSCE Chair-in-Office, Minister for Foreign and European Affairs and Trade of Malta Ian Borg noted in an exclusive interview, according to Azerbaijan in Focus, reporting Trend.

“Throughout my engagements in Baku, I reaffirmed the OSCE’s long-standing cooperative relationship with Azerbaijan. Our focus will continue to be on achieving comprehensive and sustainable peace between Azerbaijan and Armenia, which remains a top priority for us,” he said.

The OSCE chair noted that achieving lasting peace between Armenia and Azerbaijan requires a continued commitment to constructive dialogue and good-faith diplomacy as the only sustainable way forward.

“The OSCE could continue to play an important role in this process. Our unique experience and expertise can effectively support a peaceful, sustainable path forward. We are prepared to contribute, complement, and support the efforts of the parties. Throughout my engagements in the region, I have stressed the OSCE’s readiness to assist the political process, if requested and agreed upon by all parties, based on our joint values and commitments,” he added.

Further speaking, Ian Borg noted that the Maltese Chairpersonship is working to enhance the OSCE’s role and elevate its engagement in the South Caucasus. “Through its consensual approach and its broad range of concrete projects, the OSCE serves as an essential framework for fostering tangible people-to-people connections. The OSCE has a number of institutions and structures that help it implement its mandate.”

Ian Borg pointed out that the OSCE’s involvement in Azerbaijan spans several areas, including connectivity and climate change from a security perspective. At the same time, commenting on Azerbaijan’s COP29 presidency, he expressed confidence that the OSCE’s previous and ongoing engagement with Baku on environmental aspects of security and connectivity would contribute to discussions within the OSCE on the importance of climate action as part of the organization’s comprehensive approach to security.

“We will continue to build on the success of initiatives that seek to enhance sustainable connectivity and trade, fostering regional cooperation and promoting environmentally friendly practices. Additionally, we will work to further strengthen cooperation across the parliamentary dimension and the work of the autonomous Institutions. I continue to encourage more initiatives across all three dimensions of security in the interest of lasting peace and security,” he elaborated.

Further noting, Ian Borg stated that one of the OSCE’s strengths is its extensive and proven range of tools for the entire conflict cycle, including post-conflict rehabilitation.

“We stand ready to adapt and deploy these instruments to respond effectively to the needs that may emerge from a peace agreement and also use the lessons learned from other OSCE regions. The OSCE is as strong as our participating States want it to be, and hence the more political support and consensus from all 57 OSCE participating States, including Azerbaijan and Armenia, the more we will be able to mobilize our expertise. We will continue to support all pragmatic and result-oriented approaches that generate tangible progress toward the normalization of bilateral relations, particularly efforts made to alleviate human suffering and help build a better future for the people on the ground. Our goal is clear: to secure a durable and sustainable peace agreement between Armenia and Azerbaijan and see Azerbaijanis and Armenians profit from this development. This can only be achieved through diplomacy and peaceful means,” Ian Borg concluded.

The post Ian Borg: Securing sustainable peace between Azerbaijan, Armenia remains OSCE’s main goal appeared first on Azerbaijan In Focus.